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Boise State University *

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Industrial Engineering


May 4, 2024





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To: From: Roberto Jones, Brady Ward, Ryan Graham Subject: Proposal for AI grading tool development Date: 05/06/2024 Purpose Deliver knowledge, RESEARCH! The purpose of this proposal is to seek funding for the development of an advanced AI grading tool specifically designed for college professors. Our goal is to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of this AI tool that could revolutionize the grading process by significantly reducing the time professors spend grading assignments. We also aim to provide a solution that not only speeds up the grading process, but also improves the consistency and accuracy of assessments. This proposal outlines our project plan, the technological framework of the AI tool and its impact on the academic community. Summary Summary here (last) Introduction Introduction here (last) Research Tasks *explain how and where we will find this information *task3, do basic investigation and consider changing it Task organization structure: pre-research show initiative and ethos
in text citations promise of research to come why do additional research how/where will find it Github https://github.com/KamoliddinS/AI-Assignment-Grader https://github.com/KamoliddinS/AI-Assignment-Grader (check this out) Task 1: Obtain a basic understanding of how AI grading is utilized in colleges Through our research we have discovered that Automated grading systems utilize machine learning to recommend grades to students when given their work as input. Thereby automating the grading process and freeing Professors to focus on other tasks and activities. Additionally, the majority of our research falls into the following categories: How the efficiency of these systems can benefit Professors The ways in which inconsistencies can be taken out of the grading process when reducing human grading time. The amount of time these systems can save educators and whether or not the time saved is significant enough to provide any genuine benefits to college educators. We have gained an understanding of how well these systems can scale with growing colleges. How personalized feedback is a core aspect of automated grading systems. In order to obtain a more well-rounded understanding of automated grading systems, we have begun to compare and contrast the benefits that Professors could receive from these systems as well as any potential downsides and negative attributes that can be seen within them. The information that we have currently gathered and the information that we will continue to collect will be a mixture of scholarly journal articles that detail the main aspects of automated grading systems and any additional non-scholarly articles that can provide us with supplemental information. The overall aim for our research regarding this task is to discover is this technology has the capability to change the grading process and transform the way Professors spend their time as educators (Jain et al., 2023). Task 2: Gather online opinions about ai use in college courses Explain task 2 *are people made aware when a course uses ai *gather opinions at bsu The general opinion about AI grading in education, particularly at the college level, reveals a complex landscape of optimism, skepticism and practical considerations. Some individuals
argue that AI can improve the grading process by offering greater accuracy, efficiency and mostly it can handle a large volume of work with consistency. An AI grading system could potentially reduce human error, speed up the grading process and potentially improve the quality of feedback students receive. Skeptics instead, raise concerns about the technology’s current limitations, like its ability to accurately understand and grade nuanced or creative content, skeptics individuals also point to the challenge of ensuring fairness and transparency in AI grading, as well the impact on the educational experience, especially the relationship between students and educators. Optimism about AI's potential: AdmirralAtomicDL (reddit) suggests that with sufficient training and data, AI could significantly outperform human grading in terms of accuracy and efficiency. This perspective underscores the belief in AI's potential to revolutionize grading by managing larger volumes of work with greater precision, provided the technology is given the appropriate resources and data to train. Skepticism and Limitations: SealedTCG (reddit) expresses skepticism about the widespread adoption of AI in grading, noting the persistence of imperfections similar to those found in human grading processes. This position highlights the challenges AI faces in achieving full acceptance and reliability, as well as concerns about its ability to effectively deal with counterfeit or falsified submissions. Efficiency and practical benefits: SuccessfulNarwhal576 (reddit) advocates AI grading for its efficiency and the practical benefits it offers, such as reducing the time and effort required for grading. This opinion points to the potential for AI to alleviate some of the burdens faced by educators, although it also calls attention to areas where AI systems, such as AGS, could be improved in terms of user engagement and aesthetics. The article by Barnett and Wingard in the international journal for Educational integrity provides a critical opinion of AI grading’s complexities, explaining the dual aspects of innovation and concerns within academia. Using a hypothetical scenario, it points out both the promising efficiencies and significant ethical dilemmas AI grading introduces, such as privacy, authenticity and the impact of educational integrity. This article points out the necessity for a judicious approach towards adopting AI tools in educational settings. ( BioMed Central ) Task 3: Compare productivity and accuracy results from classes with vs without automatic grading *explain that studies focus on accuracy and efficiency *try to quantify how many studies to look at *add citations Various online studies have been conducted on automatic grading tools. In order to accurately analyze these results, we need to establish criteria for evaluating the problem. The aim for
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