SNHU 107 Project



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Industrial Engineering


Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by CoachDonkey1290

SNHU 107 Project Template Academic Success Plan Use this template to address the steps in your Project Guidelines and Rubric. Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. Be sure to proofread the entire document before submitting. Name: Logan Gruss 1. Identify a problem-solving technique or method you have used in a previous situation and explain how it helped you. How might problem-solving methods be different in diverse cultures or fields of work? How can effective problem-solving help you in your academic journey? When I start to struggle with an assignment or just any task in general to the point of frustration, I always outsource. When I use the term “outsource,” however, I am not suggesting that I find someone to do the work for me as that would be counter productive to the overarching goal. Instead, I try and ask someone with prior knowledge of the topic what they think or read about other’s experiences in similar scenarios. I believe reaching out to find answers can come in an infinite number of forms in our vast universe. For example, if I were to be doing a project describing the “Christ the Redeemer” statue overlooking Rio, I would have to speak to someone informed or research via the library or internet myself. Yet, if my oldest brother’s girlfriend needed to, she could “outsource” to her environment and go look at it herself and read any information available on site because she lives in Rio de Janeiro. By doing this she might get a more traditional explanation on the statue, rather than my more modernized internet article. Depending on culture, work experience, or environment in general, problem-solving is all around us being practiced in different ways, but our most important asset for learning will always be one another. 2. Identify your learning style and explain how knowing/learning about your learning style helped support your success throughout this course. I have noticed I always retain information the best when I experience it in some fashion. When it comes to classifying my learning style, I would fit into the categories of a visual and tactile learner. Knowing and understanding this has helped me approach my educational career and other areas of learning in a more direct way catered towards me. Instead of continuously trying new ways to approach individual problems, I have an idea of which direction I should start in. 3. Identify which of the five successful habits of an SNHU student have been most helpful for you throughout this course. Explain how those habits have helped you. The number one habit “Strive to submit all assignments” has been my main focus for both my courses this term. It was very important that no matter what my grade ended up being this term, I completed all assignments and the courses themselves. This helps me recognize that moving forward I am absolutely capable of managing my time properly to fulfill my duties as a student. 4. Explain how you will stay on track in your courses and overcome interruptions that may impact your schedule. I will continue the habits I have been through this term. By this I mean that I will continue to make sure I plan for time during the week that could be a “buffer” period to ensure I always have enough time for my assignments. In order to alleviate the stress of running out of time I am sure to add blocks of time throughout the week that, if necessary, can be filled with schoolwork. For example, I asked my place of work if I could have Thursdays and Sundays as my
off days to ensure the two days, I have something due, I had the whole day to proofread and submit. 5. Choose two SNHU resources (departments and resources that are part of SNHU) and two social supports (people, places, and things outside of SNHU) that will help the most with achieving your mission and goals, and that will help you prioritize your time. Also indicate why these resources and social supports are key for your success. 24/7 Online tutoring The benefits of 24/7 tutoring are described within the name itself. The fact that SNHU offers students an option to quickly hop online and get connected with an available tutor whenever necessary, truly “keeps the ball rolling.” Instead of having to wait for the next school day or an available slot with an already busy professor, students can have their questions addressed as soon as they connect. This keeps the flow of learning continuous, as the student might be stuck on one particular concept and can get the help they need in real time. Advisor While attending my boarding school for four years, I noticed my closest faculty friend and biggest advocate was always my advisor. When I tell people he was there yelling at me at my lowest low in high school they usually do not first thing “Oh how beneficial!” However, until this day I could see the disappointment in his eyes when he discovered me heading down the wrong path one day. He was angry not at what I was doing, but at what I was throwing away. I was burning away the opportunity given to me to attend the best high school in the country and the words he said to me that night meant absolutely nothing. However, today I can say that was the most important conversation anyone has ever had with me. My advisor would help me academically in any way I ask, but never did I expect him to help me recognize and appreciate the gifts I had been given. Although not all advisors are so personable, even ten percent of that man’s care will be more than enough. For this reason alone, I will always make sure to keep in touch with my advisors. Family My family has always been the biggest supporter in my life. Whether it be attending Berklee for a semester to study music production and sound engineering, to rekindling my education here at SNHU on a Geoscience track. Without the support of my family, I would never have been confident or motivated enough to start again in the first place. I would also feel much more fulfilled if I could hand my mother the degree she has always wished for me. Personally, I came back to school for myself, but the happiness it brought her was enough to understand I have to complete this degree or a four-year degree. Current Work Although I won’t be able to work as much if I decide to transfer to in person classes, this first term my boss has been unfathomably flexible. She supports my decision to complete a degree and has never once denied me any sort of change I request in light of my new responsibility. To see my boss support my choice gives me the extra confirmation that this truly is the best thing for me. If my boss is willing to lose a full- time employee to a part-time one, then I must be doing something right. 6. List your personal academic mission statement. I began my career here at SNHU working towards a geoscience degree. The reason I chose this degree is not only because it allows me to fulfill certain requirements for me to seamlessly transfer into a physics degree and eventually a
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