1. Find three supply chain management (or logistics) definitions and compare/contrast
them. Which one of them is a better definition and why?
The SCM process usually begins with manufacturing, and customer demands. This involves,
relying heavily on strong relationships with suppliers, “
working with
to supply the raw
materials needed throughout the manufacturing process.” (Fernando). With the manufacturing of
goods, comes the need to store these final products, that's where warehousing plays a role in the
supply chain. “
Supply chain management’s goal is to maintain an uninterrupted flow of goods,
from the collection of raw materials to manufacture to distribution of the final product. When it
comes to managing all the moving parts, warehousing plays an important role in streamlining the
supply chain.” (The role of warehousing in Supply Chain Management). There are multiple
different ways to improve warehousing in the supply chain, with location, services, and storage
being the most important. It’s important to have a centralized location for the warehouse, offer
services that would be convenient for the customers, and have ample amount of storage space.
After products are manufactured and stored in the warehouse it’s time for transporting the
products out to the customers. This step is crucial in the stability of the supply chain, and in order
to ensure it runs smoothly, there needs to be multiple “
backup or diversified distribution methods
should one method of transportation temporarily be unusable.” (Fernando). These three steps in
the supply chain management, co-exist with one another, without one there couldn’t be another,
with that being said it’s important to have each step individually running as smoothly as possible
in order to keep intact the supply chain.
Fernando, J. (n.d.).
Supply Chain Management (SCM): How it works and why it is important
The role of warehousing in Supply Chain Management
. vast.png. (n.d.).