Alternative Project Delivery Methods
Assignment 2
Read the case study at the beginning of the chapter and answer the following questions: 1.
Why would the CEO choose not to go with a fixed-price contract for the new plant?
The fixed-price contract was not chosen because of the accelerated technological change rate, requiring the company to be flexible and agile to adapt to the changes. This type of contract is restricted and takes too long to be
complete, not be ideal for an electronics manufacturer.
What is the advantage of a fast-track project? A fast-track project offers as primary advantage of faster project delivery, as a result of the overlapping phases and lack of a bid phase. Another important advantage of this method is the fact that the builder is involved in the design process, meaning that the owner only needs to deal with one organization.
What are the potential risks of a fast-track project?
The fast-track project presents as a potential risk the potential compromise in the quality of work caused by the pressure necessary to complete the phases of
the construction simultaneously.
What are the advantages of having the design team contracted through the GC?