Fire Protection and Prevention Audit
A fire protection and prevention audit is conducted in the assembly area to determine the correct amount of fire extinguishers needed for the space. The assembly area measures 80 feet by 140 feet. There are already two 2A108:C fire extinguishers already in the assembly area on both ends measuring 80 feet. There are 40 feet on each side of the two existing fire extinguishers. There are minimal amounts of flammable and combustible materials present. The hazard level is rated as ordinary with moderate amounts of Class A Combustibles. To find the quantity of fire extinguishers needed for the assembly area will depend on several factors. Types and quantity of combustible materials present, to include room size and level of fire hazards. The assembly area in this audit measures 80 feet by 140 feet. There are moderate amounts of Class A combustibles and a minimal amount of flammable combustible materials. Combustibles classified as Class A are common combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, trash and plastics. Flammable combustibles are considered to be Class B and consist of liquids, gases, solvents, oil, gasoline, paint, lacquers, tars, and synthetic or oil-based products. First calculation needed is the approximate floor area of the assembly area: Area = Length x Width
Area = 80 feet x 140 feet
Area = 11,200 square feet
The second factor would be to figure out the type of fire extinguisher needed for Class A combustibles present in the assembly area. A fire extinguisher used for Class A fires is required one per every 3,000 square feet.
Required extinguisher rating ¿
Square feet
Required extinguisher rating ¿
square feet
Required extinguisher rating =3.73 (or 4 rounded to the nearest whole number).