Week 7 Synchronous Assignment
What is the example I used for space responding, DRL and when it could be used?
You said that with space responding to the reduce the occurrences of behavior. So if you want the behavior to maintain at low rates then you can use space responding and while you're also reducing the occurrences of the behavior a full session or interval when it's acceptable that the rate of the problem behavior reaches 0 an initial step towards the goal
of eliminating the behavior and if you don't want to eliminate it completely, like a cursing example, that may be an ultimate goal in the future. But as an initial step. If you just want to get it down to like a lower level, you can do full session or interval where you're breaking it down and space responding, and interval may be appropriate for learners with severe problem behavior. What was the example That Lianne gave regarding her client, and playing board games?
There has been an issue when playing games and her client will roll a 2, but they wanted
to roll 6, and usually they'll get upset, because they wanted to get a 6 and complain that they don't want it to like. What did I say is the distinction was
Reinforcing the alternative behavior which is going to make the maladaptive behavior stop. Like you can't sit and elope at the same time you can't hit and have your hands in your pocket.