AI Policy for the Course - MGMT 640_ Project Management (HBD-WINTER24-02) - copia



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May 8, 2024





Uploaded by EarlCaterpillar3392

UNIVERSITY CANADA WEST Guidance on Using Al Tools Like ChatGPT To ensure academic integrity and promote transparency, it is essential to acknowledge the integration of Al in all your academic submissions. When incorporating verbatim text from Al sources, i.e,, including text generated by an Al system, such as ChatGPT, without making any changes to the wording or content, it is crucial to treat it like any other direct quote, providing proper citation. Also, you should clearly outline a complete description of any additional Al applications utilized in your assignments. Example: "The Al model, ChatGPT, provided valuable insights on the topic of climate change” (OpenAl, 2023). Bibliography/References entry: OpenAl. (2023). ChatGPT: Artificial Intelligence Language Model. What is ChatGPT and generative Al? ChatGPT and similar technologies are artificial intelligence backed chatbots that can mimic human conversations and writing (O'Brian, 2023). ChatGPT is a Large Language Model (LLM) that learns the statistical structure of language, such as patterns of word usage, to generate answers based on probability distribution over word sequences (Ramponi, 2022). ChatGPT is trained to compose the answer based on the most appropriate words or sequences to follow in a given context. It can be utilized for various purposes such as content drafting, language translation, assistance for writing and storytelling, programming assistance, education and learning, etc. What are the limitations of this tool? o Al responses are only sometimes correct: ChatGPT provides a response based on a prompt. ChatGPT uses information found freely on the internet to generate responses to prompts. So, the responses generated by ChatGPT can be incorrect and may include bias (Wu, 2022). ChatGPT lacks the capability to evaluate the accuracy or
UNIVERSITY CANADA WEST correctness of the information it produces. As a language model, its aim is to generate responses that adhere to proper grammar and language structure, while reflecting the prevailing consensus or popular opinion on the given query. ¢ Limited Data Timeliness: The information used to train ChatGPT is outdated (up to 2021), potentially lacking recent developments beyond that timeframe. * Non-executable Code Support: ChatGPT can offer code explanations and snippets but lacks the capability to execute or run code directly. ¢ Not a Web Search Engine: ChatGPT does not possess the same functionalities as search engines like Google, lacking direct internet access or real-time web information retrieval. * No Web Browsing Capability: ChatGPT operates within its existing knowledge and does not have the ability to browse the web or access specific web pages for real- time content. Should we Cite the use of Al in our works? Using ChatGPT or similar text, code, or visual image generation tools to create content and presenting it as one's own original work is a violation of university discipline policies. However, assignment guidelines may explicitly permit other appropriate uses of these tools. Examples of Usage of ChatGPT and Similar Tools [OpenAl, 2023]: It is essential for you to understand the limitations and ethical considerations associated with ChatGPT, ensuring its proper usage while adhering to academic integrity guidelines set by their educational institutions. Proper applications of ChatGPT in supporting education, communication, writing tasks, project management, programming, and language-related tasks: e Education and Learning Assistance. ChatGPT can support education and learning by providing explanations, offering design questions for practice, sharing supplementary materials, and clarifying complex topics to enhance understanding. * Recommendations and General Queries. ChatGPT can provide recommendations, answer general queries, and offer insights on a wide range of subjects.
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