CJE4694-Mini-Paper #2



Florida International University *

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Information Systems


May 10, 2024





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Impact of Computer Technologies on Corporate Espionage Crimes Keyla Camejo CJE 4694: Cyber Crimes Professor Oscar Vigoa February 20, 2024 Describe how computer technologies have impacted the crime of corporate espionage. Computer technology has had a significant impact on corporate espionage, modernizing both the tactics used by the assailants and the defenses put in place by the firms they target. The following are some significant ways that corporate espionage has been impacted by computer technologies:
1. Digital Data Theft: Corporate espionage has always depended on clandestine operations and physical penetration to get confidential information. However, the development of computer technologies has made it possible for criminals to remotely steal enormous amounts of data. Without entering the target's physical location, hackers are able to breach databases, penetrate company networks, and steal important information such as financial data, trade secrets, and intellectual property (Taylor et. al., 2024). 2. Cyber Espionage: Computer technology have contributed to the growth of cyber espionage, in which competitors, criminal groups, and state-sponsored actors use advanced hacking methods to penetrate company networks and obtain intelligence. Malware, phishing assaults, and advanced persistent threats (APTs) are frequently employed to penetrate security measures, carry out long-term surveillance, and obtain sensitive data (Taylor et. al., 2024). 3. Social Engineering: Criminals can now use social engineering techniques to take advantage of human weaknesses thanks to computer technologies. Attackers utilize spear phishing campaigns, phishing emails, and pretexting to trick staff members into opening malicious attachments, disclosing private information, or inadvertently giving them access to company networks (Taylor et. al, 2024). Social media sites can be used as reconnaissance instruments to obtain professional and personal data about specific people and companies. 4. Big Data Analytics: Conversely, computer technology has enabled firms to use machine learning algorithms and big data analytics for behavior analysis, threat detection, and anomaly detection (Banks, 2016). Businesses can detect suspicious activity, odd patterns,
and possible signs of corporate espionage in real-time by keeping an eye on user behavior, system logs, and network traffic. This enables prompt action and mitigation. 5. Encryption and Cryptography: Technologies for encryption are essential in preventing illegal access to and interception of private communications, data transfers, and stored information. Secure protocols, cryptographic methods, and end-to-end encryption help protect private communications and intellectual property from being intercepted and eavesdropped on by other parties (Vashisth & Kumar, 2013). 6. Global Reach and Anonymity: The worldwide scope and intrinsic anonymity of the internet offer offenders an extensive avenue for carrying out corporate espionage activities across national boundaries and legal regimes (Banks, 2016). Dark web marketplaces, anonymous proxies, and virtual private networks (VPNs) enable clandestine contact, cooperation, and information sharing, making it difficult for law enforcement to find and capture offenders. How does the internet play a role in online corporate espionage? Because it gives offenders a strong platform for data exfiltration, clandestine communication, infiltration, and reconnaissance, the internet is essential to online corporate espionage. This is how corporate espionage is made possible via the internet: 1. Global Connectivity: Because of the internet's ability to promote global connectedness, espionage operators can operate from any location in the world. They can target organizations across national boundaries and legal authorities, which makes it challenging for law enforcement to find and capture them (Banks, 2016). 2. Anonymity: While conducting espionage operations, offenders can hide their identities and whereabouts thanks to the internet's degree of anonymity. Cybersecurity precautions
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