CJE 3444-Safer Cities Program



Florida International University *

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Information Systems


May 10, 2024





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Kirkholt and Safer Cities Program CJE 3444: Security and Crime Science Keyla Camejo 10/10/2023
The Safer Cities and Kirkholt programs have been crucial in bringing down crime. Since vice lowers people's motivation to invest in development projects, crime has historically been seen as one of the main barriers to growth in people's lives. Children and women are most negatively impacted since their ability to defend themselves is hindered by fear. The Kirkholt and Safer Cities initiatives, on the other hand, both quickly decreased criminal activity after their commencement. In Kirkholt, crime rates have been significantly reduced. Safer cities also succeeded in lowering crime rates, particularly through enlisting the aid of neighborhood allies who could assist in the battle against crime. Safer cities concentrate on security issues and potential solutions (Ekblom, 2022). Kirkholt created a program that, by recognizing assets and hiding them in cocoons, assured locals removed objects that were being targeted. Contrarily, knowing regional safety and security issues is essential to creating safer cities. Both the Kirkholt and Safer Cities programs sought to lessen crime in their particular neighborhoods, but they took different approaches to doing this. The Kirkholt scheme encouraged locals to remove specific things in order to lower crime. This was accomplished by classifying goods and putting them in cocoons, which are secure and safe spaces. This strategy was founded on the presumption that crime will go down if there are fewer valuable objects available for theft. The Safer Cities program, on the other hand, adopted a more comprehensive strategy for reducing crime. It sought to comprehend neighborhood safety and security difficulties before enlisting local partners in their solution. The two initiatives, when compared, were successful because they were able to lower crime in their respective target areas. Kirkholt effort resulted in a 40% drop in crime, and safer communities have since pushed for an overall drop in crime (Farrell & Pease, 2006). As a result,
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