Discussion 8



Liberty University *

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HLSC 530


Information Systems


May 11, 2024





Uploaded by son123456

Quandary – Kilroy: Chapters 11, 13 After having read the assigned chapter and your own research what roles does and should the media play when dealing with terrorism? How do terrorists use social media? How should we deal with their use of social media? Nowadays, it is a technology innovation that everyone has social media accounts such as Facebook, Twister, Tik Tok, and so on. Social media is not only used for entertainment but also impacted criminal justice and homeland security. However, people nowadays are addicted to too much on social media which can be able to increase the cause of depression, anxiety, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. As pros of social media, law enforcement system is using this technology to track criminal behaviors at all levels as well as notify information for their community. However, it will threaten the nation’s safety which the cybercrimes are able to hack the system for attacking homeland security if the government puts too much public resources to social media. With the advent of technological advancement and subsequent growth of new media technologies, terrorist organizations are creating a battlefield in the cyber arena to spread their ideology. They are using advanced technology in their missions by incorporating social media platforms into their communication structures and strategies. Hence, terrorist groups can project large online presence to communicate with their followers and donors, train their members, disseminate their propaganda to specific audiences, and recruit new members across the globe. Thus, the terrorist groups are becoming more organized and dangerous by threatening the peace and security of states through social media. Social media has also allowed both international and domestic terrorists to gain unprecedented, virtual access to people living in the United States in an effort to enable homeland attacks. Combating terrorism effectively requires the continuous exchange of information and close, daily coordination among U.S. law enforcement, members of the U.S. Intelligence Community, first responders, international law enforcement agencies, and others. To help ensure the two-way flow of information and intelligence, the FBI participates in numerous national and local joint terrorism task forces and interagency initiatives such as the National Counterterrorism Center and in Fusion Centers. Therefore, protecting the United States from terrorist attacks is the most priority mission for all agencies, especially the Department of Homeland Security as well as FBI. They have to work closely with their partners to neutralize terrorist cells and operatives here in the United States, to help dismantle extremist networks
worldwide, and to cut off financing and other forms of support provided to foreign terrorist organizations. After taking this course, I learned about the challenges of the Department of Homeland Security in order to protect our nation from terrorism attacks as well as natural disasters. Especially, terrorism attacks are real impacts that the U.S Government needs to improve their systems in order to eliminate the potential threat of security and prevent terrorism attacks from both international and domestic terrorists. Protecting America and making America great again are the missions of the Political today. Their goals get more difficult due to the improvement of technologies such as social media, cyber-internet, and artificial intelligence. The challenge of the Department of Homeland Security is how to eliminate the risk of cybersecurity and manage the threat of security that they can protect America from terrorism attacks. Moreover, building plans to response and recovery is also important to fight against the terrorist attacks. All federal agencies including Department of Homeland Security, Department of Commerce, Department of Justice, and so on, should work together to build a better security system that they can identify and prevent the terrorist attacks at the beginning to mitigate the damage about human life and properties. According to Christians viewpoints, terrorist attacks are threatening the life which God give to human. Therefore, government try to establish law enforcement to protect citizens based on God’s authority. “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” – Roman 13:1. All their actions should reflect the Bible to make America safety due to terrorism attacks increasing. “But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you” – Psalm 5:11. All federal governments, especially the Department of Homeland Security, has their priority mission which is reducing the vulnerability of the nation’s security, protecting American from attacks, and eliminating the potential threats from extremist groups. “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgement. This is the heritage of the servant of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD” – Isaiah 54:17. Finally, following the Bible Themes, we should show the world what God’s love like, pray for safety, and treat everyone fairly. Matthew 5:44 – “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in
heaven”. Reference FBI. (2016, May 3). Terrorism . FBI. https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/terrorism Holy bible . (2011). Zondervan. Jones, S. G., Doxsee, C., & Harrington, N. (n.d.). The escalating terrorism problem in the United States . CSIS. https://www.csis.org/analysis/escalating-terrorism-problem-united-states Kilroy, R. J. (2018). Chapter 11-13. In Threats to homeland security reassessing the all hazards perspective . John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hello Franshaun, Thank you for your post about social media threats to homeland security. I agree with you that the media should be on top of awareness that government need to aware the community to prevent terrorism attack. Violent terrorists’ groups can share seemingly benign posts or links to harmless videos throughout social media networks. By titling propaganda with innocent names, violent extremist groups can potentially attract attention from social media users that may be interested in weapons. In this regard, the public is often unaware that they are already being virtually indoctrinated to violent propaganda and ideas. Therefore, social media has become a strategic tool to communicate and enact terrorism thereby revolutionizing its impact which is reflected to the increasing number of terrorist attacks in the U.S. It also challenges the U.S government has to improve their policies and technologies in order to protect America from both domestic and international attacks. The mission of the Department of Homeland Security is to identify the threat of attack and eliminate vulnerability from nation security. Moreover, the politician identified the term of terrorism throughout history and ensured having a plan to respond and prevent the incidents happening as well as protect nation from
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