DBS311 Adv_DB_Services_Week9_Lab8_MongoDB_Create_Delete



Seneca College *

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Information Systems


Jun 19, 2024





Uploaded by PrivateEchidnaMaster2248

Lab 8 Week 9 file:///C/Users/jalpr/Downloads/DBS311%20%20%20Adv_DB_Services_Week9_Lab8_MongoDB_Create_Delete.html[2024-03-21 3:02:02 PM] Lab 8 Week 9 (MongoDB Create/Delete Database/Collection/Documents) Objective In this Lab, you learn to create and remove MongoDB Databases Collections Documents Getting Started Open your Windows command prompt and go the following directory where MongoDB is installed: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin To run MongoDB, execute mongod mongod When MongoDB starts successfully, open another Windows command prompt and go the same bin directory: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin and execute mongo mongo This opens the command line shell where you can work with MongoDB. Or you can create a batch file: Create a new text file named start_mongodb.bat using a text editor and save the following command in it: start call "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\mongod.exe" Start call "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\mongo.exe" Every time you want to run MongoDB and open the client shell, execute this file.
Lab 8 Week 9 file:///C/Users/jalpr/Downloads/DBS311%20%20%20Adv_DB_Services_Week9_Lab8_MongoDB_Create_Delete.html[2024-03-21 3:02:02 PM] To test you solutions before you submit, test them individually and make sure they work correctly. You submit this file with answers (in the provided spaces). Name the file “L08_ID#_LASTNAME.pdf”. Tasks 1. this question you create a new database named seneca and a collection student. We store student data in this collection. 2. use seneca This command makes “seneca” your current database. However, the database will not be created until you insert a document into this database. db.collection_name.insertOne({}) Insert a new document into your collection student with the following data: first_name: Sarah last_name: Stone email: s_stone@email.com city: Toronto status: full-time gpa: 3.4 program: CPA 2. Write a command to check if the document has been created successfully. You use find() method to search and fetch documents. See the following example: student.find() { "_id" : 3, "name" : "Bao Ziglar", "scores" : [ { "score" : 71.64343899778332, "type" : "exam" }, { "score" : 24.80221293650313, "type" : "quiz" }, { "score" : 42.26147058804812, "type" : "homework" } ] } { "_id" : 6, "name" : "Jenette Flanders", "scores" : [ { "score" : 37.32285459166097, "type" : "exam" }, { "score" : 28.32634976913737, "type" : "quiz" }, { "score" : 81.57115318686338, "type" : "homework" } ] } { "_id" : 0, "name" : "aimee Zank", "scores" : [ { "score" : 1.463179736705023, "type" : "exam" }, { "score" : 11.78273309957772, "type" : "quiz" }, { "score" : 35.8740349954354, "type" : "homework" } ] } { "_id" : 8, "name" : "Daphne Zheng", "scores" : [ { "score" : 22.13583712862635, "type" : "exam" }, { "score" : 14.63969941335069, "type" : "quiz" }, { "score" : 75.94123677556644, "type" : "homework" } ] }
Lab 8 Week 9 file:///C/Users/jalpr/Downloads/DBS311%20%20%20Adv_DB_Services_Week9_Lab8_MongoDB_Create_Delete.html[2024-03-21 3:02:02 PM] { "_id" : 3, "name" : "Bao Ziglar", "scores" : [ { "score" : 71.64343899778332, "type" : "exam" }, { "score" : 24.80221293650313, "type" : "quiz" }, { "score" : 42.26147058804812, "type" : "homework" } ] } { "_id" : 6, "name" : "Jenette Flanders", "scores" : [ To see the result in JSON format, you can run the following statement: student.find().forEach(printjson)
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