Module 4 Solutions How to Publish Layers from ArcGIS Pro and Build Web Apps with
ArcGIS Online Final Web App Checklist: (turn in this sheet after you share your final Web App and send the URL to your instructor) _X_ Two maps of Ohio counties, one showing population density per county and the other showing
housing vacancy percentages per county, displayed side by side. _X_ The layer showing Ohio population density and the layer showing Ohio vacant housing in
distinctive color schemes. _X_ A basemap for each of the two maps that is not the default topographic one and that is
appropriate for the theme of the maps. _X_ The pop-up for the vacant housing layer showing only two attributes (the name of the county
and the percentage of the housing stock that is vacant); the pop-up should have a color that is
complementary to the layer and an appropriate title. _X_ The pop-up for the population density layer showing only two attributes (the name of the county
and the population density); the pop-up should have a color that is complementary to the layer and an
appropriate title. _X_ Appropriate text descriptions for each of the two maps (at least one sentence of descriptive
information for each), with a button to hide and show the text on each of the two maps. _X_ A legend for each map. _X_ A link for social sharing that displays icons for various social media options. _X_ A scale bar.
I'm uncertain if I've completed the task correctly, as I've attempted it twice and each time
there are slight variations. I've encountered difficulties using ARCGIS because the resources I have,
such as the book or the app, seem to be outdated. As a result, I've had trouble finding certain tools
and buttons that are mentioned in the book. Despite these challenges, I've put forth my best effort,
Professor. I hope my work meets the expectations.