Assignment 3
Worth 20% of final grade.
Write a public diplomacy strategy using around 1,000 words for the [United States, Canada and Mexico - choose one, two or all three]. Your target audience is the public of [insert your choice of country]. Your objective is to build awareness around North American [economic, political or cultural] cooperation around the hosting of the 2026 men's soccer world cup. Your campaign should cost around $100,000 and last for two years. Be sure to include details of how you will evaluate your success."
Once you have your answer from the AI, cut and paste it into a word document. Now refine this
strategy using the following process: 1) Create five questions or prompts for chat.GPT that might help to refine the
strategy and include those questions, but not the answers, in your word document.
For example: "Refine strategy to X or by including Y"
2) Ask chat.GPT for five alternative names for the campaign. Add the names to the word document and select one of the six names and in your word document explain why that is the best name in your opinion for the campaign.
3) Ask chat.GPT to identify possibles celebrities to use for the campaign with this prompt.
provide three possible celebrities from [whichever host country(s) and audience(s) you have selected] for this campaign"
4) Ask chat.GPT to identify three more possible celebrities for the selected host country(s) to use for the campaign with this prompt. Select one of the celebrities for one/two/three countries and explain in your word document why that is the best celebrity
in your opinion for the campaign.
5) Finally, critique the chat.GPT responses (the original strategy, five refinement prompts, names and celebrities) in your word document. The critique should be no longer than 500 words.
The whole process should take about 120 minutes.