CREATE new object recipeTitles
from RecipeBox
WHILE user is on user menu
System print:
DISPLAY 1: Enter new recipe DISPLAY 2: View, edit or delete existing recipes DISPLAY 3: Exit
READ selection from user IF user_selection
is DISPLAY 1 THEN Scnr function for user input
READ from user recipeName
READ from user servingSize
READ from user recipeIngredients
from ingredient list READ from user TotalRecipeCalories WHILE entering ingredients READ from user numberCups READ from user numberCaloriesPerCup
READ from user nameofIngredient
CREATE current_ingredient
INSERT current ingredient to recipeIngredients
INSERT newRecipe from user_selection
into recipeCollection
ELSEIF user_selection
selects DISPLAY 2 THEN CALL recipeCollection.printAllRecipeName
s to show all recipes in collection
READ from user the recipeName
to view IF the recipe is valid THEN
CALL selected_recipe.printRecipe
to show all ingredients DISPLAY to user option to edit recipe IF user_selection
is edit THEN CALL selected_recipe.getRecipeIngredients
from Ingredients list SAVE ingredients list as current_ingredients
MODIFY current_ingredients