week 6 final grant review



Wilmington University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school






Apr 29, 2024





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Wilmington University CRJ 450 Grant Proposal Applications are limited to organizations/agencies in the states of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Project Title: Operations to Eliminate Police Misconduct Name: AireYona Mason Agency: Philadelphia Police Department Agency Type: Purpose Area: Proposed Funding (Total Requested Funds) $241,775 AireYona Mason 04/18/2024 Signature Date AireYona Mason Printed Name 1
Needs / Problem Statement: The needs / problem statement should be the most powerful component of the grant proposal. Use this section to grab the reviewer’s attention and make a case for the project. This section must be written in 200 words or less and include a brief description of the problem, the goal, and the approach and the results or benefits expected from this project. The needs / problem statement should include: Answer to the Who, What, Where, When and Why of the problem and solution Data and statistics to support the problem presented Description of the gap between what is currently happening to what your project will produce A project title such as: Operation CoBAT Crime, Wayne’s Center for Reentry Success, etc… A sense of urgency to the problem. (use active verbs and descriptive words) When it comes to policing, it is considered one of the most justifiable roles within the government, especially since their goal is to protect our people. However, instead most carry out the role of having some sort of involvement in police brutality. Due to this, our citizens are suffering from law enforcement abusing their power, while using excessive force on our people. This excessive force may then lead to one suffering from serious injuries or in worst case scenario, death. Therefore, when dealing with law enforcement and their excessive force, it has been found that police officers has shot and killed over 1,055 people within the year of 2023, and it only continues to worse (Bunn, 2022). In addition, in May of 2018, it was reported that law enforcement used force about 62,000 times, specifically with African Americans being accounted for more than a third of the incidents (Barnes, 2023). Overall, regarding this issue, it should be listed as top priority, and to do so, I believe that I should conduct an operation to eliminate police misconduct. During this operation, I will request and make it mandatory that all positions within the police department undergo appropriate engagement approaches with the public training. This training would be provided to provide not only a refresher of all rules and regulations but would also enforce the use of body always worn cameras, as well as turning in all camera footage at the end of shifts. With these trainings in motion, it will help correct the issues of police brutality, as well as eliminating the number of officers who abuse their power and becoming strict on the consequences of these unlawful actions taken 2
overall. 3
Project Narrative The section should be 3 – 5 pages and cover the following key points: Introduction Introduction will be similar to the need/problem statement. Introduction should be brief and provide the reader an overview of what will be presented. Problem Narrative Describe the nature and cause of the problem, target groups or organizations affected and/or benefited. Provide supporting facts and figures which describe the extent of the problem. Indicate how the problem relates to the goal or program for which funds are sought. Methods and Activities Describe the strategy to address the needs identified in the Problem Narrative. Provide detailed project activities which include what task will be done and by whom to complete the project. Include explanation of implementation of goals and tasks. Anticipated Goal Explain anticipated results of the project. Add pages if necessary. Operations to Eliminate Police Misconduct An ongoing problem that has been a reoccurring issue within the criminal justice system is police excessive force. Police excessive force is when police abuse their authority and police misconduct by reacting in a violent way to the people of the public. In this case, you find many of them throwing people to the ground and making up any excuses to beat them. Most times these incidents escalate to more serious situations, such as someone becoming severally injured or in worst case scenario death. Due to this, police officers find themselves getting away with incidents like these because they are turning off their body worn cameras, before coming into direct contact with the public. While doing this, their unlawful actions are not being recorded due to the cameras not operating at the time of the many incidents. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for some changes to be implemented to help eliminate these awful actions performed by our law enforcement. 4
When dealing with law enforcement and their excessive force, it has been found that police officers killed over 1,055 people within the year of 2023, and it only continues to get worse (Bunn, 2022). In addition, in May of 2018, it was reported that law enforcement used force about 62,000 times, specifically with African Americans being accounted for more than a third of the incidents (Barnes, 2023). Within the areas of Philadelphia, there has been several encounters with police killing people, especially African Americans. Due to this, African Americans accounted for about 27% of the population who were fatally shot and killed by police officers. Regarding this, around 250,000 civilians are injured by law enforcement per year and more than 600 people are killed by them as well (University of Illinois). However, while the police officers took these unlawful actions, most did not deal with any consequences for their actions, since policing, was one of the most justifiable roles within the government, especially since their goal is to protect our people. Instead, a great number of them came up with excuses to justify their actions, such as the person may have posed as a threat to them or fabricating the events that led up to the tragic event. Therefore, since there are no facts to determine the factors that escalated, it is then the officer’s word over those of the public, which is extremely unfair. While police excessive force has been an ongoing and out of control issue taking place all around our communities, no measures are being taken to make an immediate change to this problem. In this case, these issues should be top priority and is not to be swept under the rug. However, I find that this issue is still unresolved, since departments are lacking in the use of body worn cameras. Therefore, since officers are not facing any real consequences for the police misconduct, then they are then compared to offenders, who will continue to make unlawful decisions because they feel like they can, without any lessons learned. Due to this, my department would like to be the first one to implement training where it is mandatory that all staff within the department are required to take. While taking the training, there will be short quizzes in between, as well as an overall assessment at the end, where everyone will be required to pass with a 90% better. If one fails the assessment, then they will only be allowed to retake it one more time. Due to this, those who do not pass will be restricted from working outside of the department and 5
will be stuck doing desk work duties. While taking these steps, it provides the department with an understanding of the staff that are not ready to face the public, due to lack of knowledge. Therefore, this helps us to be able to guide those through the rules and regulations again and again, until they fully understand how things should be operated. Overall, this will eliminate any misconduct from taking place moving forward. Therefore, my goal overall is to make sure that all body worn cameras are always being utilized and that no one within the department is breaking these requirements. However, to make sure that these requirements are not broken, it will in addition be required that at the end of all officers’ scheduled shifts, they turn in the footage from their body worn cameras from that day. It will then go through a documentation system, where it will be determined if the officers are turning off their body cameras, or if they are wearing them for the duration of their shifts. In reference to this, if any of them are not following the rules, then they will have serious consequences to deal with. In closing, it is requested that my department’s proposal can be granted, so that I can put the funds towards making sure that all resources are collected, to help show some improvements within the issues that the public deals with when it comes to our law enforcement. However, while being granted these funds, you will see many changes happening over the course of time, which will be beneficial to the public. In this case, the public’s safety and well-being is top priority and our department duties are to make sure that our citizens are safe, instead of making them feel unsafe. Therefore, with the changes made, the public will begin to be able to restore their relationships with law enforcement by being able to rebuild trust. Due to this, it will help reduce the negative encounters with law enforcement and the public and will create a community where everyone can work together, for the safety of our citizens. Overall, if my proposal is granted, I will need only about 6 months to 12 months before my effort and work put in start to show a significant improvement across the board. I say this to say that when there are tragic issues like these within our communities, the goal to make a change becomes personal and extremely important and with my department in charge, there will be no disappointments. 6
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