Identify and describe at least one thing from the broadcast that you did not
know before.
Prior to the podcast, I had never heard of the term "jihadism,” which refers to the violent
extremist ideology that jihadists use to interpret Islam (BBC News, 2014). Their terrorist attacks
are justified by a distorted interpretation of religion, which only represents a small group of
individuals. The vast majority of Muslims primarily focus on the harmonious and humanitarian
aspects of Islam, advocating for dialogue, tolerance, and understanding among diverse faiths and
backgrounds (Byman, 2015). It is important to note that despite its small following, jihadism is
promoted by major terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda. I had no prior knowledge of the
sources of influence for these terrorist groups, however I learned that The Management of
Savagery is a crucial jihadist text that offers a strategic guide for shaping jihadist movements.
What do you think is the most important point made by the broadcast and why?
The final moments of the podcast discusses countries' efforts to reduce public empathy towards
ISIS, emphasizing the need for Western governments to view these groups as insurgent
organizations aspiring to become a functioning state (Tremonti, 2014). This was an essential
point to note because a lack of discussion about terrorist groups can lead to a general lack of
awareness and further spread of their extremist beliefs, as the group has proven to be resilient.
Their resilience in challenging situations has allowed them to grow their following, generate
revenue, and carry out intense security risk-posing terrorist attacks despite their diminishing
caliphate (Hassan, 2023). Tremonti (2014) asserts that terrorist groups are more sophisticated
than the Western government perceives, potentially causing the government to be unprepared for