Discussion 2



Southern New Hampshire University *

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May 19, 2024





Uploaded by BailiffArt11387

When creating my final project for this course, I concentrated on three distinct learner groups: gifted and talented kids, English language learners (ELL), and children with other health impairments. I chose to focus on these groups because there are a variety of learning demands in today's classrooms. As a future teacher leader, I have to create inclusive teaching practices that meet the needs of every student, concentrating on three distinct learner groups while developing my final project for this course: gifted and talented learners, English language learners (ELL), and children with other health impairments. I decided to focus on these types of students because there are a variety of learning demands in today's classrooms. As an instructor, I must implement inclusive teaching strategies to meet every student's requirements. Ensuring fair access to education for students with health impairments, such as physical disability, ADHD, or autism spectrum disorders, necessitates providing accommodations and assistance. These students may need curricular adaptations, assistive devices, or particular instructional resources. According to research, teachers can provide all students with valuable learning possibilities because the UDL framework makes instruction more customizable. This is especially important because even students with learning difficulties could spend most of their time in general education classrooms rather than dedicated learning environments (Jpiersol, 2023). Students with specific learning requirements also include English Language Learners (ELLs). These students must overcome the difficulty of learning academic material while honing their second language ability. Using instructional strategies that support language development with topic teaching is critical to support students' language acquisition and academic performance. Studies show that strategies, including peer tutoring, collaborative learning, and language scaffolding, can help ELL kids succeed academically and acquire a second language (Echevarria et al., 2008). Gifted and talented students also require differentiated instruction to meet their unique learning needs. These students often demonstrate advanced cognitive abilities and may require opportunities for enrichment, acceleration, or more complex and challenging tasks to remain engaged and motivated in the classroom. Differentiated instruction is vital for gifted and talented learners to satisfy their specific learning requirements. Students like these frequently exhibit high cognitive skills, and to stay interested and motivated in the classroom, they might need opportunities for enrichment, acceleration, or more complex and challenging assignments (Ullman, 2023). Thanks to tier assignments, students can perform the same task at varying degrees of difficulty. You are allowing each student to demonstrate understanding by changing the difficulty level. To do this, some educators create a project for middle- tier learners and add tests for brilliant children. Compacting the curriculum is another way to teach talented students. The term "compacting" describes removing the portion of the lesson that pupils already understand, freeing them up to work on more challenging material (Ullman, 2023). The growing notion of cooperative learning offers enormous potential as a pedagogical method in the high school educational setting, where I will work with students in grades 9 through 12. Cooperative learning focuses on students working together to accomplish shared learning objectives. Additionally, studies show that it promotes positive social connections between children from diverse racial and cultural origins and those with a range of learning and adjustment needs (Gillies, 2014). To differentiate instruction for the three groups of unique learners through cooperative learning, I intend to implement various tactics specific to their requirements. I plan to implement adaptable grouping strategies for students with extra health impairments and offer supplementary assistance via
peer tutoring or mentorship initiatives. I will use language assistance techniques for ESL students, like cooperative learning assignments that foster language development and organized linguistic practice sessions. I will provide opportunities for independent research projects, group problem-solving exercises, and extracurricular enrichment activities for exceptional and talented children. References: Echevarria, J., Vogt, M. E., & Short, D. (2008). Making content comprehensible for English learners: The SIOP model. Pearson. Gillies, R. M. (2014). Cooperative Learning: Developments in Research. https://core.ac.uk/download/524679934.pdf Jpiersol. (2023, February 16). Universal Design for Learning: Definition and benefits. School of Education Online. https://soeonline.american.edu/blog/universal-design-for-learning/#:~:text=Some%20specific %20benefits%20of%20UDL,learning%20opportunities%20to%20all%20students. Ullman, E. (2023, December 5). Differentiated instruction for gifted students. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. https://www.hmhco.com/blog/differentiated-instruction-for-gifted-students
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