" I Question 7 udy Plan: Modeling and Anali. X (™ Quiz: Homework: Modelingand X (@@ Linear Regression \ursesi 12213/quizzes/111899/take 1 pts T i i it Go to the Linear Regression tool at htps://lumen-learning.shinyapps.io/linear_regression/ B and plot the data from the previous question using the “Enter Own” feature. Do you think it is reasonable to use a linear model to describe the relationship between TOV score and body mass? Select the best answer. ® Yes; However, there is only a moderate linear relationship between the two variables. A linear model works but it may not be the best. O Yes; There is a strong linear relationship between the two variables. A linear model works perfectly. O No; There is no relationship between the two variables. A linear medel will not work at all.. Question 8 ‘ 1 pts Recall the study on the morphology of 17 domesticated cats. The researchers 1 defined the measure of a cat's ability to catch small animals to be the cat's “take-off velocity," of TOV score (TOV score = how quickly the cat can jump off of the ground). The researchers carried outan experiment to see If body mass measured in grams {g) could be used to predict a TOV score measured in centimeters per secand (cm per sec) b e el B8 S - | i i i i s