EGR 1302
RA – Ch 6 (5
Chapter 6 Reading Assignment – Part 1
Read Chapter 6 of MATLAB – An Introduction with Applications
by Gilat, and find the answers to
the following questions. Write down the answers to each question on this handout.
Section 6.1
What is the difference between a relational operator and a logical operator?
What is the difference between “=” and “==”?
What is the result when two arrays are compared using a relational operator?
Review the first gray-highlighted section of example code. Why is the first value of the “d” vector zero?
Notice: The book has an incorrect statement in the first bullet after the gray-highlighted section containing variables “r” through “w”. Numerical arrays CAN be used to address other arrays, but they behave differently than a logical (or Boolean) array. Example:
>> x = [5 12 -4 6]; y = [1 12 -4 6];
>> z = (x == y)
z =
1×4 logical array
0 1 1 1
>> x(z) ans =
12 -4 6
>> q = [1 4];
>> x(q) ans =
5 6
z is a logical or “Boolean” array of 0’s and 1’s. The 1’s appear where the comparison “x==y” is true.
Using z to index (or address) the vector x, the result is the values of x where z is 1. In this case, the last three.
q is a numerical array. Using q to index the vector x, the result is the values of x at the locations specified by
the numbers of q. In this case, locations 1 and 4.