Amber Reynoso
Clinical Field Experience B: Manipulatives, Technology, and Centers Interview
For this assignment, I sat down with Miss Navarro, who is a pretty K educator at the school. I am
currently placed there. This is what she shared…
“ Though our students have yet to really explore technology independently, we do often
utilize our projector, whether that’s listening to educational videos or taking a movement break.
The manipulatives that we’ve utilized the most in math have been the magnet tiles, people
counters, number sticks, bingo bears, and the leaves math activity set this past fall! We do use
manipulatives, technology, and centers with all of our students, but the only time we really focus
on differentiation is during small groups. So this is usually work that we put on the board, and
that’s when we’re able to really focus on individual needs. Other than that, when in the center,
the most we can do is try and encourage a student to explore different areas.
When it comes to modeling, this is a great question. In the very beginning, there aren’t
many centers open, but as the school year progresses and our students begin to advance, that’s
when more centers are accessible, and before allowing the students to explore, myself or another
teacher will introduce the object or center and demonstrate how it should be used. When it comes
to managing behavior, this can be difficult because there are so many things going on at once.
There isn’t really a focus, but I think management is somewhat the same because I’m still
roaming the room and observing and redirecting when needed.”
All in all, manipulatives, technology, and centers have been used in this class to reinforce
math concepts and allow for differentiation by progressing with the needs and development of
each child or the class. The main strategies expressed by this educator were the use of redirecting
to try and get students to explore different methods and types of engagements when it comes to
math. Moving forward. I think a really great thing I can apply to my future teaching practice
would be the use of small groups because using manipulatives and having centers in a classroom
can be chaotic at times, and I think that’s a great way to focus in and really track the students to
see what other things may need to be added to their environment or what needs to be taken away,
which is very useful!