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AURTTB101 Inspect and service braking systems Assessment 1 – Questioning – Written Assessment Student Name KUuanChunYu Student ID Number 20230083 Unit Start Date Unit End Date Assessment Due Date Date Submitted 31/10/2023 This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student competency in this assessment task The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes / No I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how. Yes / No I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision. Yes / No I am aware that I can locate The RTO Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure on their website at (Insert Website Link) Yes / No I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I require in order to undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if applicable). e.g. Student Handbook and Access and Equity Policy (Insert Website Link) Yes / No I have access to all required resources? Yes / No Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration Student Declaration: In accordance with The RTO Plagiarism Policy, I hereby acknowledge by signing this declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the assessment tasks undertaken in this unit of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged. NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor Signature KuanChunYu Date : __31__ / __10__ / 2023____ Assessment Results Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory (Please circle the assessment result for this task) Feedback to Student - Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance Student Declaration: - I verify that the work completed is my own and that I was adequately informed of the assessment process prior to commencing this assessment task. Assessor Declaration: - I verify that I have adequately explained and negotiated the assessment tasks with the student prior to commencing assessment. Student Name: Assessor’s Name: Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURTTB101 Created Date: 6 June 2023 Document No: Insert RTO Name – AURTTB101 Version No: 3.0 Last Modified Date: 14/5/22 © Trinity Institute (Australia) | RTO Code: 41310 | CRICOS Code: 3556F Page Sequence: Page 1 of 21
AURTTB101 Inspect and service braking systems Student Signature Date Assessor Signature Date Student Guide for Written Knowledge Assessment Overview of Assessment This is a written assessment task you will be assess on your knowledge of inspect and service braking systems. The topics that will be covered in the assessment are: 1. Prepare to inspect and service braking systems 2. Inspect braking systems 3. Service braking systems 4. Complete work processes This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence required, and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in this unit assessment task. Read the assessment carefully before commencing. Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide feedback / comment. You MUST answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own words and own handwriting. This is an “Open Book” assessment, and students can use the resources listed in the “Resources Required” section below. Task/s to be assessed To complete this written assessment, you will need to answer the 70 questions comprising of Multiple Choice, True and False, Fill-in the Gap and Short Answer questions. Time allowed On average, the Assessment should take 2 – 4 hours to complete. Location This theory assessment will be completed in a classroom under the supervision of a trainer/assessor. Decision making rules To receive a ‘satisfactory’ outcome for this assessment students MUST successfully answer all questions. If a student achieves less than 100%, they can reattempt the assessment after further study has taken place. Students who cannot achieve a minimum of 100% you will not have satisfactorily completed this assessment Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: - Work health and safety (WHS) and occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements relating to inspecting and servicing braking systems, including procedures for: o Lifting and supporting vehicles or machinery o Managing and controlling brake dust and brake fluids Environmental requirements, including procedures for trapping, storing and disposing of brake dust and brake fluid released from braking systems Identification and function of major braking components, including: o Discs, pads and calipers o Drums, brake linings, wheel cylinders and hydraulic components Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURTTB101 Created Date: 6 June 2023 Document No: Insert RTO Name – AURTTB101 Version No: 3.0 Last Modified Date: 14/5/22 © Trinity Institute (Australia) | RTO Code: 41310 | CRICOS Code: 3556F Page Sequence: Page 2 of 21
AURTTB101 Inspect and service braking systems o Master cylinder o Hydraulic and vacuum brake booster o Diesel engine vacuum brake booster pump o Electric and manual park braking systems Basic operation of braking systems, including: o Hydraulic braking systems o Mechanical braking systems o Air over hydraulic systems o Air braking systems Types, applications and testing of brake hydraulic fluids Inspection procedures for braking system components, including: o Component wear analysis o Brake fluid testing Service and adjustment procedures for braking systems, including: o Brake bleeding o Brake adjustment o Park brake adjustment Post-service testing procedures for braking systems, including static and dynamic testing. Assessment conditions Assessors MUST satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements. Competency is to be assessed in the workplace or a simulated environment that accurately reflects performance in a real workplace setting. Assessment MUST include direct observation of tasks. Where assessment of competency includes third-party evidence, individuals MUST provide evidence that links them to the braking systems that they have worked on, e.g. repair orders. Assessors MUST verify performance evidence through questioning on skills and knowledge to ensure correct interpretation and application. The following resources MUST be made available: Automotive repair workplace or simulated workplace Workplace instructions Manufacturer braking system specifications Two different vehicles or machinery with disc and drum braking systems requiring servicing Tools, equipment and materials appropriate for inspecting and servicing braking systems. Resources required Learning Resources available to students include: Automotive Technology (A System Approach) 6 th Edition – Chapters 5, 7, 50, 51 & 52 Websites – (Automotive Workshop Safety) Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURTTB101 Created Date: 6 June 2023 Document No: Insert RTO Name – AURTTB101 Version No: 3.0 Last Modified Date: 14/5/22 © Trinity Institute (Australia) | RTO Code: 41310 | CRICOS Code: 3556F Page Sequence: Page 3 of 21
AURTTB101 Inspect and service braking systems (Mechanical Braking System) automobile/ Trainer Handouts Results/Re- assessment The Assessor will grade the assessment and record the result on the front page of this document (S) – Satisfactory if all observable behaviours are correct and (NS) not satisfactory if any areas are left incorrect Feedback will be provided on either result Where a student receives a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ result, the assessor will discuss the area of the non-compliant observable behaviour and an opportunity given for re- assessment. This may be through direct observation or a different method of assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercise. If the outcome is again not satisfactory the student result will be deemed (NYC) not yet competent. Additional feedback will be given, and a time agreed upon for further assessment after additional training and skills practice has taken place, this information will be recorded, dated and signed in the re-assessment area on the last page of this document Where all the assessment tasks have been graded (S) Satisfactory, the student will be deemed C – Competent for the practical component and the result recorded and signed in the area indicated on the last page of this document Reasonable Adjustment If the participant is unable to undertake the written assessment as designed, an interview (verbal questioning) may be used as an alternate approach. Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURTTB101 Created Date: 6 June 2023 Document No: Insert RTO Name – AURTTB101 Version No: 3.0 Last Modified Date: 14/5/22 © Trinity Institute (Australia) | RTO Code: 41310 | CRICOS Code: 3556F Page Sequence: Page 4 of 21
AURTTB101 Inspect and service braking systems Assessment 1 – Questioning Written Assessment 1. Identify five (5) important items of personal safety when inspecting and servicing braking systems? 1 Always wear OSHA approved safety glasses when working on a suspension system or steering system 2 Wear gloves and avoid direct contact 3 Wear respiratory protection 4 Wear face shield 5 Wear safety footwear 2. List three (3) precautions when jacking a vehicle on the floor. 1 Use the jack only to get a vehicle off the ground, never to hold a vehicle in place 2 Use jack stands when you work underneath your vehicle 3 Never jack up a vehicle without blocking the wheels to keep it rolling. 3. Why should safety stands be placed under a raised vehicle? Safety stands must always be used so that there is no chance the vehicle can drop while working on it. 4. What six (6) precautions should be observed if a vehicle is to be raised on a hoist? 1 Read the owner’s manual before you begin 2 Check the specific lifting points of the vehicle you are working on 3 Never exceed your vehicle lift’s maximum capacity 4 Don’t rely on a single lift arm to bear all the vehicle’s weight 5 Choose an auto lift with automatic safety locks 6 Always engage your lift’s safety features before starting work 5. What three (3) practical methods of reducing the spread of asbestos should be followed in the workplace? 1 Isolation of asbestos handling area Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURTTB101 Created Date: 6 June 2023 Document No: Insert RTO Name – AURTTB101 Version No: 3.0 Last Modified Date: 14/5/22 © Trinity Institute (Australia) | RTO Code: 41310 | CRICOS Code: 3556F Page Sequence: Page 5 of 21
AURTTB101 Inspect and service braking systems 2 Wet method 3 Respiratory protection 6. When handling, trapping, storing and disposing of new or waste hydraulic fluid, which document should you use to find this information? 7. How should waste hydraulic fluid be stored and disposed? Safely collect and store all oil waste in clearly marked drums. Storage of waste hydraulic oils should be in a secure and undercover location. Multiple Choice question. Select the correct answer. 8. When changing the hydraulic brake fluid, what should you use to catch the waste fluid? A. Brake bleeder. B. Mop bucket. C. Storm water drain. D. Funnel. 9. What are two (2) main aspects to dealing with asbestos in motor vehicle repairs? 1 Identification of asbestos containing components 2 Assessment of health risks True or False question 10. All brake fluids are hygroscopic – that is, they readily absorb water. True or False Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURTTB101 Created Date: 6 June 2023 Document No: Insert RTO Name – AURTTB101 Version No: 3.0 Last Modified Date: 14/5/22 © Trinity Institute (Australia) | RTO Code: 41310 | CRICOS Code: 3556F Page Sequence: Page 6 of 21
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