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Jun 2, 2024





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Eternal Family REL 200C Case Study #4 Step 1: Review the following talks from the Unit 4 required readings and answer the questions below. Talks: Personal Purity – Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Love and Marriage – Sister Wendy Watson Nelson Making the Right Decisions – Elder Richard G. Scott Questions: 1. Briefly define each in Elder Holland’s conception: Soul The essence of a person, their inner being or spirit, which encompasses their emotions, thoughts, and identity. Symbol A representation that carries deeper meaning beyond its literal interpretation, often conveying abstract concepts or ideas. Sacrament A sacred rite or ceremony that symbolizes spiritual truths and is believed to convey divine grace or blessings to participants. 2. Which of these three aspects speaks clearest to you about the why of the sacred powers of procreation? How could it help you navigate temptation more faithfully? (at least a paragraph) The concept of soul speaks most clearly about the sacred powers of procreation. The soul represents the deepest aspect of human existence, encompassing emotions, desires, and the capacity for intimate connection. In the context of procreation, the soul highlights the profound spiritual and emotional bond between spouses that extends beyond physical union. Understanding the sacredness of one's soul and its connection to the act of procreation can serve as a powerful reminder of the sanctity of human life and the responsibility to honor and protect it. This understanding can help navigate temptation more faithfully by emphasizing the spiritual and eternal significance of intimate relationships, guiding individuals to make choices that respect and uphold the divine nature of human sexuality. 3. Which of Elder Holland’s three “whys” above (soul, symbol, sacrament) fit best with each of the 4 “truths” from Sister Nelson? (Provide at least 1 quote from Elder Holland and Sister Nelson for each.) Truths come by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost serves as the divine source of truth, guiding individuals in understanding the deeper spiritual aspects of love and marriage, which are rooted in the essence of the soul. Elder Holland's emphasis on the soul as a fundamental aspect of human existence resonates with the idea of receiving truths through the influence of the Holy Ghost. Elder Holland: "You can learn eternal principles and you can get your testimony and you can have a deep spiritual confirmation of the truth." Sister Nelson: "Truths about love and marriage are brought to you by the Holy Ghost from our Heavenly Father." Personal purity is key to intimacy.
Eternal Family REL 200C Personal purity is essential for participating in sacred ordinances and experiencing spiritual blessings. Upholding purity in thoughts and actions aligns with the sacred nature of marital intimacy, which is symbolized and sanctified through the sacrament of marriage. Elder Holland: "Soul-stretching experiences come to us as we keep covenants." Sister Nelson: "Personal purity is the key to true love." Heavenly Father wants you to experience the sacred powers with your spouse. Marital intimacy serves as a symbolic expression of divine love and unity, reflecting the eternal partnership between spouses and their shared connection to Heavenly Father. Elder Holland: "You do this by steadfastly obeying the commandments of God, which will lead you to be worthy to receive temple ordinances." Sister Nelson: "As an important part of the expression of their love, the Lord wants a husband and wife to partake of the wonders and joys of marital intimacy." For true marital intimacy, we need Spirit-enhanced and purified passions (Holy Ghost). Spirit-enhanced and purified passions reflect the deep spiritual connection between spouses, facilitated by the influence of the Holy Ghost and rooted in the essence of their souls. Elder Holland: "We do not find our destiny; we make it." Sister Nelson: "For true marital intimacy, the Holy Ghost needs to be involved." Step 2: 1. How do you observe the adversary and worldly forces working to minimize these divine truths? Articulate at least  two common arguments  that minimize the divine nature of the sacred powers of procreation, then  provide counterarguments  for each (include at least one quote  from the readings in support). Argument Counterargument Normalization of Casual Sexuality: Some argue that casual sexual encounters are a natural part of human behavior and should not be restricted by moral or religious standards. They suggest that individuals should explore their sexuality freely without judgment or consequence. Sacredness of Human Sexuality: Contrary to this argument, the sacred powers of procreation reflect the divine nature of human sexuality, which is meant to be experienced within the bounds of marriage. As Elder Holland emphasised, true marital intimacy is sanctified by the Spirit and honor the sacred union between spouses. This understanding elevates human sexuality beyond mere physical gratification, recognising it as a sacred gift from a loving Heavenly Father. Quote: Elder Richard G. Scott stated, "Any sexual intimacy outside of the bonds of a sin and is forbidden by God." This highlights the clear divine standard regarding sexual conduct
Eternal Family REL 200C and emphasises the sacredness of procreation within the context of marriage. Secularization of Marriage: In contemporary society, marriage is often viewed as a social contract rather than a divine covenant. Some argue that marriage is merely a legal arrangement and that individuals should have the freedom to define the terms of their relationships according to personal preference. Eternal Significance of Marriage: However, the scriptures and teachings of modern prophets emphasise the eternal significance of marriage as a sacred institution ordained by God. Marriage is not just a social construct but a divine covenant that reflects the union between Christ and His Church. Elder Scott emphasize the importance of placing the Savior and His teachings at the center of one's life, including decisions regarding marriage and intimacy. Quote: Elder Henry B. Eyring stated, "Heavenly Father wants you to experience the sacred powers with your spouse." This underscores the divine purpose of marriage and highlights the importance of aligning marital relationships with God's plan for His children. 2. Study each scripture listed below for insights about sacred powers. Explain (a) what it says, and (b) what it means to you. Hebrews 13:4 What it says What it means to you Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled. This scripture underscores the sanctity of marriage and the purity of marital intimacy. It emphasizes the divine approval of physical intimacy within the sacred covenant of marriage. To me, it signifies the importance of honoring the institution of marriage and maintaining the purity of intimate relationships, recognizing them as a blessed expression of love sanctioned by God. 1 Corinthians 7:4 What it says What it means to you The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. This verse highlights the mutual responsibility and unity within marriage, emphasizing that spouses belong to each other and should prioritize each other's needs and desires. It reflects the selflessness and commitment required in marital relationships, reminding me of the importance of mutual respect, communication, and sacrificial love in marriage. Alma 38:12 What it says What it means to you Use boldness, but not overbearance; and also see that ye bridle all your passions, Alma's counsel encourages exercising boldness tempered with humility and self-control in all
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