ETH301 Module 4 Case Madonna Moore



Trident University International *

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Jun 24, 2024





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ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS AND CSR ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS AND CSR Madonna Moore ETH 301 Business Ethics Module 4 - CASE Trident University 21 June 2024
ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS AND CSR A Critique of Lockheed Martin In this assignment, after reviewing the closing chapter of “ Ethics at work: Creating virtue at an American corporation” by Daniel Terris, I will address the following. First, my thoughts on the notion presented by Terris, that Lockheed Martin’s ethic program does little in preventing ethical breaches by its leadership. Second, are these efforts put forth, substantial for its leaders to navigate what Terris calls “ethical minefield.” Third, what strategies can Lockheed put in place to address ethics as it relates to upper tier executives? Lastly, what is my recommendation for Lockheed Martin to shift their ethics program from focusing on addressing individual dynamics to more of a group setting. At the Highest Level Having an “Ethics Champion” sitting at the corporate level can be a gift and a curse. The positive factor is the direct communication between that champion of ethics, and the rest of the business leaders of any company. Business leaders get a front row seat in where their company “stack up” regarding its ethics program. They are the first to receive information on any recent changes that may affect the company, good or bad. This upfront approach of communication can be beneficial to both the Compliance and Ethics Officer and the other executives. A possible negative factor can come from acculturation. Although it might be unintentional, there is always the possibility someone sitting at the helm of compliance and ethics might begin to adopt the practices and values of his or her executive colleagues (Mr. Sinn, 2019). A major component of how we are affected by ethics is human nature. There may be an unconscious bias or favoritism for leadership, especially if you are a leader yourself. This may result in withholding similar standards for an individual because they are your colleagues. Or there is a perception you are all on the same level.
ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS AND CSR Ethical Minefield & Prevention According to Terris, significant limitations exist in Lockheed Martin’s ethics approach. Lockheed Martins standards of ethics, within it is company walls, do not match up with the expectations that exist on the outside. This might produce a false sense of accomplishment and accountability matched against false numbers (2005). That does not mean the company cannot implement tactics to address ethics, as it pertains to its corporate execs. Ethics training is paramount to the success of ethics compliance. Training should be documented as a safeguard to audits. It is also important to train leadership anytime a mandate has changed, or added information is introduced into the program. Refresher training is important to keep company leaders up to date as these rules and regulations may change (Sarkar, 2021). Establishing core values outlines ethical behavior expectations for employees at all levels. However, it should be expected that executive leadership will require specific sections to address due to unique responsibilities. The ethics program should be transparent both internally and externally. An ethics program needs to conduct reoccurring risk assessments to identify areas where ethical standards might be vulnerable or compromised. It is also beneficial to invest in ethical consultants who can review company standards as they pertain to practices, providing an external perspective that can provide valuable insight and recommendation. Group Dynamics Training and Development require a process. Some steps needed include assessment, preparation, learning objectives, design, execution, and evaluation. Communication encompasses these steps to ensure everyone involved is on the same page. Like the steps required to achieve an ethics training program that is effective, so too does creating a group dynamic require the
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