Quiz 1 Course Requirements Checklist_ CH



Liberty University *

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Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by CaptainWolverinePerson1009

2/17/24, 1:03 PM Course Requirements Checklist: BMAL700: DSL Program Orientation (B06) https://canvas.liberty.edu/courses/573033/assignments/8988901/submissions/1721016 1/3 Course Requirements Checklist Due Jan 17 at 11:59pm Points 10 Questions 5 Time Limit None Allowed Attempts Unlimited Instructions Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 2 minutes 10 out of 10 Score for this attempt: 10 out of 10 Submitted Jan 15 at 6:54pm This attempt took 2 minutes. Question 1 2 / 2 pts Correct! Yes No If you have any questions about the Course Syllabus and Schedule, please contact your faculty member. As your ±rst assignment in this course, review the Course Syllabus and Schedule, Student Expectations (https://www.liberty.edu/institutional-effectiveness/student-expectations/) , and Introduction to Biblical Worldview (https://www.liberty.edu/ace/introduction-to-biblical-worldview/) training. Then, complete the Course Requirements Checklist below. You will be allowed multiple attempts. TAKE THE QUIZ AGAIN Have you read the Course Syllabus and Schedule, and do you understand that, by completing this Course Requirements Checklist or any other assignment in Canvas, you will no longer be able to “drop” this course? Do you understand that completing this activity constitutes attendance and if you are unable to continue attending, you must be withdrawn from the course? If you are unsure about completing this assignment, you may exit the quiz and contact Academic Advising: LUO Undergraduate: 800-424-9595 LUO Graduate and Doctoral: 800-424-9596 Residential: 434-592-4110 or casas@liberty.edu (mailto:casas@liberty.edu)
2/17/24, 1:03 PM Course Requirements Checklist: BMAL700: DSL Program Orientation (B06) https://canvas.liberty.edu/courses/573033/assignments/8988901/submissions/1721016 2/3 Question 2 2 / 2 pts Correct! Yes No If you have any questions about your rights and responsibilities as a student, please contact your faculty member. Question 3 2 / 2 pts Correct! Yes No If you have any questions about your rights and responsibilities as a student, please contact your faculty member. Question 4 2 / 2 pts Correct! Yes No Question 5 2 / 2 pts Make important contributions to their workplaces and communities Follow their chosen vocations as callings to glorify God Have you read the information provided through the Student Expectations (https://www.liberty.edu/institutional- effectiveness/student-expectations/) link? After reviewing the plagiarism and academic dishonesty information in the Student Expectations (https://www.liberty.edu/institutional-effectiveness/student-expectations/) , do you acknowledge that you understand the content presented, intend to apply it in your own work, and understand the consequences of violating the basic standards of academic integrity? Have you completed the Introduction to Biblical Worldview (https://www.liberty.edu/ace/introduction-to-biblical- worldview/) training? Liberty University develops Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills essential to impact the world; therefore, this course and the content you are now studying is designed to help educate men and women who will:
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