MBA 5045 Week 10 Discussion Question - Response 10



College of the North Atlantic, Ridge Road Campus *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by BaronPuppyMaster2528

Week 10 Discussion Question Watch the following TED talk and discuss what points stood out with you most regarding global labour. Were there portions regarding global labour in this video that you had no knowledge of? How did this impact you? What solutions would you offer as a global citizen? It was humbling to watch the video by Auret Van Heerden on making global labour fair. I am aware of sweat shops and child labour, and as a consumer I try to make conscious decisions, but there were a number of things in the video that were new to me. I’ve never made the connection that minerals for my cell phone (that is so important to me) were mined by slaves; that chocolate begins with child labour and the risk of child trafficking; that workers in Chinese factories are taking their own lives. Van Heerden highlighted the ethical and moral dilemma that we all face as consumers to ensure we supporting organizations who demonstrate humanitarian practices in their own factories and through responsible supply chains. In today’s economic times, we are all looking for ways to save more money. But deep down, we all know that those savings come at a cost; the cost of human lives. This video was a reawakening of many things I already knew, but didn’t want to admit. I am saddened to know that my decisions as a consumer are violating human rights across the world. I am devastated to know that when asked, these employees are not asking for money, rather they are asking to be treated as human beings. As consumers of global products, I feel we have a responsibility to do our own research on the organizations we buy from to ensure they are producing responsible products and supporting responsible supply chains. I have recently started purchasing clothing and beauty products from B Corp Certified companies. As a Certified B Corp, I know that I am buying from companies that demonstrate high social and environmental performance, are accountable, and have responsible supply chains. That reassurance comes at a cost. There are times that I debate the additional cost of the products, knowing I can save money if I buy elsewhere. However, after watching this video I have a renewed focus to become more informed and to make responsible decisions as a consumer.
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