Fifth Short Writing Assignment
For this final writing assignment you have two options. You can pick one and only
one of these two options: OPTION #1
Pick one of your previous writing assignments that has been graded (and that received a grade lower than an A) and revise it in light of the criticism that you received. OPTION #2
— Pick one and only one of the following prompts to write on. Prompt 1:
Knowledge Objections to Utilitarianism
– Before you start writing, read the assigned text for this week and re-read your Utilitarianism lecture notes. Then, using the
lectures as your primary resource, present and discuss one of the knowledge objections
to Utilitarianism. How can a Utilitarian respond to it? What do you think of their response? Prompt 2:
Utilitarianism’s Demandingness and The Drowning Baby
– Before you start writing, read the assigned text for this week, and re-read your Utilitarianism lecture notes. Then, using the lectures as your primary resource, explain in your journal entry how Utilitarianism is “demanding” (for action, in particular — not for deliberation or motivation). How do Utilitarians respond to this objection? (Be sure to include the Drowning Baby argument and explain how it is involved in their response.) What do you think of this objection and the Utilitarian response?