Ethics in Computer Games & Cinema
Worksheet #5
: The Ethics of Care and Virtue Ethics 1. What is the Ethics of Care? Explain what this school of thought believes in your own words (3 points).
Ethics of care means we don’t usually help strangers we have never met. The school of thought believes in the same thing and also thinks we care for people we are related to in a way. 2. What is Virtue Ethics? Explain what this school of thought believes in your own words (3 points).
Virtue Ethics is more about helping us achieve the best moral character with a lot of moral virtues. The school of thought is doing everything that is morally right is the best thing. 3. Of all the normative
moral frameworks we’ve discussed in this class, which one do
you think is the best? Explain your answer (4 points).
The best moral framework is Virtue Ethics since it helps a lot more people and it also benefits everyone around us. I would choose something that helps everyone instead of a smaller group of people.