EDUC 703 Quiz- Terms & Early Western Philosophy



Liberty University *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by ChiefGalaxy11521

Quiz: Terms & Early Western Philosophy Correct answers are hidden. Score for this quiz: 25.33 out of 28 Submitted Aug 26 at 10:27am This attempt took 141 minutes. Question 1 2 / 2 pts Match the description to its corresponding term. Unsure if there is a god. Agnosticism Creator God is not currently active with people or the creation. Deism Mixing diverse philosophical beliefs. Eclecticism Questions relating to the nature of truth and how it is acquired. Epistemology Knowledge deriving from written or spoken words rather than from images. Logocentrism Existence is found only in physical matter that can be quantified. Materialism Questions related to what it means to exist or to be. Ontology Everything is god. Pantheism Questions related to purpose. Teleology
Partial Question 2 1.33 / 2 pts Match the description to its corresponding philosophy. Values lessons learned from studying heroes in history and literature. Perennialism Perceives education as a democratic process whereby students actively solve problems relevant to their own lives. Social Reconstructionism Produces productive citizens by teaching the same core knowledge and skills to all. Essentialism Strives to lead students in rebuilding society into a utopian social order. Progressivism Seeks to heighten awareness of oppression through Marxist principles. Critical Pedagogy Implements a method of stimulus-response to condition students to excel. Behaviorism Question 3 2 / 2 pts Match the description to its corresponding philosophy. Each description follows the stem “Students are successful when they . . .” Know and follow natural law in the physical realm. Realism Collaboratively solve social problems. Pragmatism Rely on both faith and reason to comprehend both the natural world and the supernatural realm. Neo-Scholasticism Assign meaning to their individual lives. Existentialism Contemplate abstract ideas of beauty, goodness, freedom, and universal moral law, etc., which leads one to live the "good life" as a good person and citizen. Idealism Question 4
2 / 2 pts Match each belief with the individuals or groups that best represent the belief. Passion and desire inhibit one from finding truth. Stoics Education is about the pursuit of happiness; pain, sorrow, and suffering inhibit one from accessing truth. Epicureans There are no valid truth claims because sensory perception and human reason are flawed. Skeptics Truth is relative. Sophists Question 5 2 / 2 pts Match the definition with the term that best represents it. Porch, where Ancient Athenian philosophers met to dialogue about the latest ideas. Stoa Marketplace, where both commodities and ideas were exchanged. Agora Method of questioning and probing students to require them to justify their answers using logic and reason. Socratic Question 6 2 / 2 pts Which philosophy is presented by Plato’s allegory of the cave? Idealism Realism Relativism Skepticism Question 7
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