McGill University
Political Science 360: Mid-term Examination
October 2023
--Select two of the following questions and write short essays (Two typed, single space
pages maximum for each question).
Times New Roman
font size 12 (Microsoft Word).
--In your answer make adequate references to readings and lectures.
--Answer all parts of the question.
will have three days to return the exam.
--Please write your TA's name, your name, and your student ID number at the top of your
--The answer should be in your own language and no lengthy verbatim quotes from the texts
or lectures are allowed. No footnotes required. Can mention names of authors in the
text. Please do not use ChatGTP or other AI writing technologies.
Deadline for Submission: 9am, October 15, 2022. Submit via My Courses-Assignments
(10 marks each. Total 20 marks
Select only two out of the four options)
Security is a multidimensional concept. With the end of the Cold War, the non-
traditional aspects of security such as economics, climate change, and pandemics
have begun to gain more scholarly and policy interest. What explains this change? In
the emerging security order, traditional issues are returning with great power rivalries
once again becoming salient. What explains this change?
Compare and contrast deterrence, compellence, and coercive diplomacy.
Under what
conditions would they succeed or fail? Provide some examples of real life success and
failures of both.
There are myriad ways by which domestic politics causes wars. Select three such
approaches we discussed and examine how they generate inter-state conflict and war.
Also, examine the relationship with the factors you identify and the type of the
international system system/structure?
Several psychological theories were discussed in the lectures and the readings. Select
three of them and analyze their strengths and weaknesses in explaining war. Can these
approaches be strengthened with the inclusion of systemic or domestic level
variables? If so, how?
Good luck!