Lesson Activity
Important Domestic Policies
This activity will help you meet these educational goals:
Inquiry Skills—You will analyze societal issues, trends, and events; develop
credible explanations of historical events and developments based on reasoned
interpretation of evidence; evaluate and use evidence; develop explanations and
make persuasive arguments in support of your conclusions; and communicate
your conclusions.
Century Skills—You will employ online tools for research and analysis and
communicate effectively.
Read the instructions for this self-checked activity. Type in your response to each
question, and check your answers. At the end of the activity, write a brief evaluation of
your work.
Universal health care has been a fiery topic for decades in the United States. In 2010,
President Barack Obama worked with a Congress in which Democrats held the
majority to pass the largest health care reform in decades. It is called the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), but commonly referred to as
“Obamacare.” In this Lesson Activity, you will analyze and form an argument about the