Module 1 quiz
Modern democracies blend delegation and majority rule together into what is known as which of the following?
representative government
One of the fundamental problems for government is reconciling preferences because:
a diversity of preferences is natural among citizens.
Which of the following is true about direct democracy, where citizens participate directly in collective decision-making
It typically is reserved for small communities and organizations.
The difference between authority and power is which of the following?
Authority is the right to make a particular decision and power is the actual influence the institution has over that action.
A “prisoner’s dilemma” arises when:
individuals who ultimately would benefit from cooperating also have an incentive to defect.
Which of the following is a formal definition of a government?
Those institutions created by a constitution and the legally prescribed process for making and enforcing collective agreements.
Which of the following is a good formal definition of politics?
the process through which decisions are made on a course of common action
Constitutions, charters, and bylaws all serve which of the following purposes?
guiding the organization’s members in making essentially political decisions
Which barrier to collective action is generally considered the easiest to overcome?