psy8316 week 2 db 2



Capella University *

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Apr 27, 2024





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In order to complete this discussion, you will need to watch Leahy, Hayes, and DiGiuseppe's Cognitive Restructuring and Cognitive Defusion Demonstration . The video demonstrates two evidence-based psychotherapy intervention techniques. In your discussion essay: Identify the technique that is most congruent with your own perspective on intervention at this point in your training as a psychologist. What about this approach fits with your developing identity as a psychotherapist? How does this approach allow for addressing a culturally and ethnically diverse client base? Discuss three steps you would take before adopting this technique for the client in the vignette you have chosen for your final project case study. The technique that is most congruent with my own perspective on intervention at this point in my training as a psychologist is the cognitive therapy approach. This approach was demonstrated by Dr. Leahy in the video we were assigned to watch this week. It is explained that the cognitive therapy approach works to help change thinking patterns and works well to help people with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and other disorders that I will be working with in my future career. That is why this approach fits with my developing identity as a psychotherapist. This approach can allow for addressing a culturally and ethnically diverse client base because a psychologist can incorporate discussing the clients culture as much as the client wants and provide a safe place for the client to feel validated by their culture and diversity. I have chosen the dementia case study for my final project. Three steps I would take before adopting this technique for the client in the vignette I have chosen for my final project case study would be to assess if cognitive therapy would work well for this client and see the possibility of other disorders like depression or anxiety being present within the client, next I would inform the patient but especially the family what cognitive therapy is and a treatment plan for this patient. For dementia patients, it is very necessary to keep the family in the loop of what is going on with the patient. Third, I would create a routine for the dementia patient that aligns with cognitive therapy. Goodheart, C. D., Kazdin, A. E., & Sternberg, R. J. (Eds.). (2006). Evidence- based psychotherapy: Where practice and research meet. American Psychological Association.
Whaley, A. L., & Davis, K. E. (2007). Cultural competence and evidence- based practice in mental health services: A complementary perspective. American Psychologist, 62 (6), 563–574.
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