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May 22, 2024





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PSYC3540 Implicit Bias Worksheet Instruction Your Answer Provide an example of a time when you observed possible implicit bias in a work or social setting, or in the media on a news segment or on an internet source. What cues led you to believe that implicit bias may have played role in this situation? *Explain two or more possible causes of the implicit bias based on information from our Blaine and Brenchley textbook. When I started a job at the Amazon warehouse when I was younger, I was often dismissed or overlooked in my team. I believe an implicit bias may have played a role in this situation because there were constant comments like “this is a man’s job” and “are you sure you can do that?”. If possible, cause of this implicit bias would be a stereotype activation, because the Men on my team may have unconsciously activated, gender stereotypes, leading them to believe women were not capable of this job. Provide an example of a time where you believe you, a family member, or a friend were stereotyped based on group status and/or social identity. How did you feel when the situation occurred? What if anything did you do? *Explain two or more possible causes of the implicit bias based on information from our Blaine and Brenchley textbook. Back in high school, a group of friends that I had did not like that I was friends with someone who identified as being gay. My friends assumed that because that person had a different sexuality than them that they were weird or would be inappropriate around us. Some possible causes of this implicit bias would be stereotype activation, my friends made these comments may have not realized that they activated sexuality stereotypes. Another possible cause could be outgroup homogeneity effect. My friends perceived this person to be the same as all other gays, and did not want to accept that they were their own person. Describe a situation where your perceptions and/or reactions were shaped by implicit bias. Were you aware of the bias at the time or is it something you have considered in retrospect? Explain your thoughts. Were When I first entered the field of ABA. I found myself surprised when I noticed a male therapist working in my clinic. I then realized, upon reflection, that my surprise was due to implicit bias, assuming only women worked in this 1
Instruction Your Answer your implicit biases challenged? *Explain how your insight into the situation can help you in changing or shaping your personal or professional behavior for the future. field. I am now more aware of my own bias, and I tried to make an effort to challenge these and not let them influence my opinions. Explain two or more strategies that can be used to prevent and combat implicit bias. *Use professional and scholarly sources to support the effectiveness of the strategies, and cite those sources. There are a few strategies that can be used to prevent Implicit Bias. Raising awareness and education to help understand that we all have biases, and we can learn to recognize them, and challenge them. Another strategy would be to expose ourselves to more diverse groups in order to help bring down those stereotypes and biases that we may have. 5. Provide the full references for your sources in APA format. Blaine, B. E., & McClure Brenchley, K. J. (2021). Understanding the psychology of diversity (4th ed.). Sage. Chapters 2 and 4. 2
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