Theories Chart: Psychoanalytic Approach Overview



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Jun 12, 2024





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Running head: THEORIES CHART 1 Theories Chart Assignment Lauren M. Rogers Liberty University Author Note Lauren Rogers I have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Lauren Rogers. Email:
THEORIES CHART 2 Theoretical Approach Found er and date founde d Counselor ’s Role (2) Client’s Role (2) Key Concepts (2) Therapeuti c Techniques (2) Multicultu ral Strengths and Shortcomi ngs (2) Limitation s (2) Research (1) Psychoanal ytic Sigmu nd Freud late 1890’s (Tan, 2011) According to Tan (2011), the role of the counselor is characteriz ed by passivity and is intended to retain impartialit y in the presence of anonymity. According to Tan (2011), a blank screen is employed to facilitate the developme In order for psychoanal ysis to yield successful outcomes, it is imperative for clients to have a long-term commitmen t to the therapeutic relationship . The client is required to actively participate in the process of free association, wherein they are The components of the personality are the id, ego, and superego.The concept of the id can be understood as the pleasure principle, wherein it seeks immediate gratification and strives to avoid any form of discomfort or pain. The id represents the primary unconscious aspect of one's identity, primarily focused on the According to Tan (2011), The analysis of transference facilitates the client in gaining a more comprehens ive comprehens ion of their previous experiences and the potential ongoing impact and influence they may have on present relationship s and situations. Strength-  According to Corey (2017), one of the notable strengths of this approach is its adaptability to cater to the diverse needs of individuals from different cultural backgrounds. According to Corey (2017), in the course of the therapeutic process, it is recommended that counselors engage in introspection regarding their According to Corey (2017), there is a greater emphasis on long- term personality rehabilitatio n rather than on day-to-day living difficulties. According to Tan (2011), the cost of managed care is prohibitive for intense, long-term therapy due According to Hirsch (2021), in my perspective, psychoanalys is stands as a comprehen sive approach with the highest potential for facilitating enduring human growth and enrichment.
THEORIES CHART 3 nt of a transferenc e dynamic, wherein the client unconsciou sly projects onto the analyst the emotions and experience s associated with past parental figures, particularly those from early infancy. encouraged to openly communica te whatever thoughts that come to mind without being concerned about being judged or censored. pursuit of self- gratification. According to Simmons et al. (2019), the ego assumes a dominant role in governing reality by regulating impulses and devising strategies to fulfill one's desires. According to Tan (2011), the ego fulfills a cognitive role referred to as anticathexis, which entails the censorship and regulation of the id. According to the study conducted by Simmons et al. (2019), , The formation of the superego is influenced by The examination of resistance entails the therapist's analysis and interpretatio n of the client's resistances, as well as their defensive mechanisms or barriers that hinder the emergence of unconscious and repressed material into conscious awareness. According to Tan (2011), This process aims to comprehension of countertransfere nce. Shortcomings-   Tan (2011) stated that, Freud's first theoretical constructs have faced criticism due to their perceived sexist and derogatory implications towards women. According to Corey (2017), there is a prevalent assumption that the basis of this concept is rooted in ideas that are commonly associated with the upper and middle classes. to its inherent characterist ics.
THEORIES CHART 4 parental figures and societal norms, which contribute to the adoption of specific values and ethics. Transference refers to the psychological phenomenon in which individuals unconsciously project their emotional experiences and feelings onto another person. According to the study conducted by Simmons et al. (2019), countertransfer ence refers to the emotional reaction experienced by a counselor towards their client, which facilitate the client's resolution of these obstacles and enhance their understandi ng of unconscious issues, repressed emotions, memories, or past encounters.
THEORIES CHART 5 arises from the counselor's own underlying issues. Theoretic al Approac h Found er and date founde d Counselor’s Role (2) Client’s Role (2) Key Concepts (2) Therapeuti c Techniques (2) Multicultu ral Strengths and Shortcomi ngs (2) Limitations (2) Research (1) Adlerian Alfred Adler 1914 (Tan, 2017) Therapists often engage in the process of identifying and addressing key cognitive and value- related distortions, such as distrust, self- centeredness, too ambitious goals, and low self- assurance (Corey, 2017). Accordin g to Corey (2017), the clients prioritize their desired objectives and adopt a resilient lifestyle as a novel framewor k for taking action. Accordin g to Tan According to Corey (2017), clients engage in the process of examining their own reasoning, including the underlying assumptions and viewpoints that form the basis of their decision- making. According to Corey (2017), establishing a friendship characterize d by mutual respect. According to Corey (2017), According to Corey (2017), the present study intends to conduct a comprehensi Strengths- The primary focus of this approach lies in the examination of the individual's interactions and experiences within a broader social context. According to Corey (2017), clients are advised to establish their identity within their social contexts and to According to Tan (2011), Adler's development and explication of his theoretical conceptions and therapeutic procedures lacked systematicity and comprehensiven ess. According to Tan (2011), the Adlerian therapeutic approach can be According to Ansbacher (1992), Adler's notion of communal feeling holds particular relevance to the challenges associated with aging and mortality, as well as to the contempora
THEORIES CHART 6 According to Tan (2011), in Adlerian Therapy, the therapeutic approach that holds the utmost significance is the provision of encourageme nt. (2011), the client should demonstra te a willingnes s to engage in open dialogue regarding personal and familial matters. According to Corey (2017), establishing a therapeutic relationship is the initial phase. Conducting a comprehensi ve evaluation of the client's dynamic characteristi cs. The text offers insight and understandin g. The process of reorientation and reeducation is facilitated. ve psychologic al lifestyle evaluation in order to identify and examine any erroneous intentions and assumptions that may be present in an individual's lifestyle. develop an understanding of how their social surroundings influence their lifestyle and well-being. According to Tan (2011), it has been employed in several contexts and across various age cohorts, including children and their caregivers, adolescents and their families, as well as other parts of society. Shortcomings- According to Tan (2011), this approach may not be optimal for persons who necessitate more characterized as emphasizing the client's eventual reorientation and reeducation, while placing relatively less emphasis on insight and interpretation. ry approach of approachin g old age and death with composure and contentmen t.
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