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Dec 6, 2023





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PSY7709 - Oct 09 2023 to Dec 15 2023 - Sec ! Quizzes Week 2 Quiz ! Due No due date Points 20 Ques ! ons 27 Time Limit None Instruc ! ons A " empt History A " empt Time Score LATEST A " empt 1 8 minutes 18.52 out of 20 " Answers will be shown a # er your last a " empt Score for this a " empt: 18.52 out of 20 Submi " ed Oct 22 at 11:32pm This a " empt took 8 minutes. Week 2 Quiz This quiz covers elements from the BCBA/BCaBA Task List (5th ed.) from this week. This quiz will help you and your instructor to assess your learning gains and mastery of the relevant learning objec ! ves and the following course competency: Competency 1: Dis ! nguish the principles of behavior analysis associated with increasing and decreasing behavior. Please carefully read the following instruc ! ons before beginning the quiz: You must complete and submit the quiz by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. Central ! me. Do not start the quiz un ! l you are fully prepared to complete it (that is, all of this week's study ac ! vi ! es must be completed). The quiz must be completed without referring to reading materials, study aids (for example, flash cards), or notes. A dic ! onary is permi " ed to check spelling; however, a glossary is not permi " ed. Contact with other learners or any informant is expressly prohibited during a quiz. There is no ! me limit for this or any other courseroom quizzes. You may retake this quiz up to a maximum of three ! mes. If you have any incorrect answers, this allows you to study related content before the next quiz a " empt. The average of your scores will be recorded as your grade. Click the linked quiz ! tle to access the quiz. If you have any issues with the quiz, contact your instructor. Take the Quiz Again 0.75 / 0.75 pts Ques ! on 1 A ______________ _________ is a group of s ! muli that share specified common elements along formal, temporal, and/or func ! onal dimensions. S ! mulus class. Correct. Response class. Antecedent class. S ! mulus change. 0.75 / 0.75 pts Ques ! on 2 Func ! on or func ! ons for antecedent s ! muli can be best classified as: Con ! ngency dependent or con ! ngency independent. Correct. Con ! ngency codependent or con ! ngency independent. Con ! ngency interdependent or con ! ngency mo ! vated. Con ! ngency nondependent or con ! ngency variable. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 3 An event in the immediate environment that controls a behavior is referred to as: A dependent variable. A reac ! ve variable. A controlling variable. Correct. An extraneous variable. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 4 An object or event that can be detected by the senses is referred to as a: Reinforcer. Punisher. S ! mulus. Correct. Behavior. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 5 The s ! mulus presented following the behavior in posi ! ve reinforcement is called: A condi ! oned s ! mulus. A nega ! ve reinforcer. A posi ! ve reinforcer. Correct. An aversive s ! mulus. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 6 The s ! mulus removed or avoided following the behavior in nega ! ve reinforcement is referred to as the ___________ s ! mulus. Natural. Uncondi ! oned. Aversive. Correct. Condi ! oned. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 7 In behavior analysis, the s ! mulus that is present when a behavior occurs is referred to as a(n): Antecedent. Correct. Consequence. Cause. Reinforcer. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 8 Which of the following is not one of the ABCs of operant behavior? Cause. Correct. Consequence. Antecedent. Behavior. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 9 Bill drives faster than the speed limit only when his friends are in the car with him, because they tell him he is cool. Bill's behavior of driving over the speed limit only when his friends are with him is said to be under ____________ control. Situa ! onal. Operant. Isolated. S ! mulus. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 10 A group of s ! muli having the same func ! onal e ff ect on a certain behavior are said to belong to a s ! mulus: Group. Class. Correct. Category. Con ! ngency. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 11 Which of the following is not an example of s ! mulus control? Concept forma ! on. S ! mulus generaliza ! on. S ! mulus discrimina ! on. S ! mulus delta. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 12 A ______ ______ is only achieved through control and involves a specific change in one event (dependent variable) that can reliably be produced by specific manipula ! ons of another event (independent variable), and the change in the dependent variable is unlikely to be the result of other extraneous factors (confounding variables). Hypothe ! cal construct. Explanatory fic ! on. Func ! onal rela ! on. Correct. None of the above. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 13 Faulty s ! mulus control is when a target behavior comes under the restricted control of an irrelevant antecedent s ! mulus. True. False. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 14 When a group of s ! muli all evoke the same response (for example, when one sees a picture of a Border collie, a Doberman pinscher, and a Labrador retriever, one says "That's a dog"), the group of s ! muli is referred to as: A response class. A s ! mulus class. Correct. An arbitrary class. Both A and B. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 15 Which of the following is an example of an arbitrary s ! mulus class? The following women's restroom signs: the word woman, a pictogram of a woman, and a pain ! ng of a mermaid. Correct. A picture of a brick house, a s ! ck built house, and a log cabin. A picture of a chair with no arms, a chair with arms, and a rocking chair. A picture of a bus, a car, and motorcycle. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 16 Which of the following illustrates an example of s ! mulus control? Josephine occasionally runs the stop sign near her house, because there are rarely any cars at the intersec ! on. Felipe flaps his hands almost constantly all day long. Joe hits his teacher every ! me, and only when, she asks him to wash his hands. Correct. Diya uses a Kleenex to wipe her nose when it is running and o # en when it is not running. It is a habit she has. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 17 Which of the following statements is true? If a dog has been trained to salivate when a bell rings by repeatedly pairing meat powder and a bell, this is an example of s ! mulus control. If an individual has been trained to say the word red when he is shown a card that says RED (but not when he has been shown a card that says GREEN), this is an example of s ! mulus control. Antecedent s ! muli rarely acquire control over human behavior. Both A and B. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 18 When observing and recording behavior, the observer: Can be the person engaging in the behavior. Can be a person other than the person engaging in the behavior. Must be present when the behavior occurs. All of these. Correct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 19 A good behavioral defini ! on of a behavior involves: A label for the behavior. A descrip ! on of what the person says and does. Correct. Reference to the person's mo ! va ! on. A statement of the inten ! on of the person engaging in the behavior. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 20 A feature of an event that can be measured is called a: Unit. Dimension. Correct. Quality. Characteris ! c. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 21 A ___________ is a group of responses of varying topography, all of which produce the same e ff ect on the environment. Shaped response. Complete repertoire. Response class. Correct. Skill set. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 22 __________ refers to a specific instance of behavior. Skill. Response. Correct. S ! mulus. Func ! on. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 23 Operant s ! mulus control has been achieved when: A response occurs frequently throughout the day under a variety of s ! mulus condi ! ons. A response occurs in the presence of a condi ! oned s ! mulus. A response occurs more frequently in the presence of a specific s ! mulus, but rarely occurs in the absence of the s ! mulus. Correct. A response occurs more frequently in the absence of a specific s ! mulus, but rarely occurs in its presence. 0 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 24 Incorrect Incorrect S ! mulus generaliza ! on has occurred when: A response occurs more frequently in the presence of a specific s ! mulus, but rarely occurs in the absence of the s ! mulus. The same response occurs in the presence of two di ff erent, but similar, s ! muli. One response occurs in the presence of a specific s ! mulus, and a di ff erent response occurs in the presence of a di ff erent s ! mulus. One s ! mulus evokes a number of di ff erent, but similar, responses. Incorrect. This describes s ! mulus generaliza ! on. 0 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 25 Incorrect Incorrect Concept forma ! on: Requires both s ! mulus discrimina ! on across di ff erent classes and s ! mulus generaliza ! on within a class. Requires both s ! mulus discrimina ! on within a class and s ! mulus generaliza ! on across classes. Incorrect. S ! mulus discrimina ! on within a class may not su ciently meet the instruc ! onal objec ! ve of iden ! fying a specific target (for example, yellow). Is a simple process that involves strict s ! mulus discrimina ! on and training to avoid any s ! mulus generaliza ! on. Is a hypothe ! cal mental construct. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 26 Which of the following would be included in the feature s ! mulus class for ducks: All animals. Webbed feet. Correct. All birds. Beaks. 0.74 / 0.74 pts Ques ! on 27 S ! muli in an arbitrary s ! mulus class: Share common physical forms or rela ! ons to the target s ! mulus. Do not share similar s ! mulus features. Correct. Include an infinite number of s ! muli. Comprise a large por ! on of our conceptual behavior. Quiz Score: 18.52 out of 20 # Previous Week 2 Discussion: Con ! nue Your Discussion $ Next Next Module: Week 3 Last A " empt Details: Time: 8 minutes Current Score: 18.52 out of 20 Kept Score: 18.52 out of 20 2 More A " empts available Take the Quiz Again (Will keep the average of all your scores) 43 Fall 2023 Home Announcements Vitalsource Bookshelf Reading List Assignments Yellowdig Grades Files Microso # Tools ePor & olio Media Gallery Account Dashboard Courses Calendar Inbox History My Media Library Help WalkMe Chat
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