Module 4 Case Scenarios-OCD & Related Disorders (1)



Middle Georgia State University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Module 4: Obsessive-Compulsive & Related Disorders Case Scenarios Answers Please access the Module 4 Case Scenarios PowerPoint and read the scenario that corresponds with the questions below. Read and analyze carefully as some individuals may have socially odd behaviors but do not meet criterial for a diagnosis. Happy diagnosing! Please use red font. Justin Justin is a 36-year old Hispanic male originally from Guatemala who is known in his family as being sentimental. When he was young, his grandmother, aunt, and friend from school all passed away within a few months of each other. Since then, he has held onto special mementos, letters, gifts, etc. that people have given him as a way to remember them. In his house, he has a special room with several boxes of these keepsakes that he stores. His wife knows that these are his special boxes and does not throw them out when they do their annual spring cleaning. His friends and family joke with him about being a hoarder and his best friend has teased him that he is going to send in an application for him to be on the TLC show Extreme Hoarding. 1. What are Justin’s specific behaviors, if any, that might be considered abnormal? 2. If a diagnosis should be made, what should it be? Please explain your answer. If no diagnosis is needed, please explain your justification. Elle “Elle is 21-year-old college student who is involved in her first serious dating relationship. She is from Arizona and is Caucasian.  Like many young women, she wants to look and feel her best.  While flipping through a clothing catalogue, she notices the attractiveness of several female models.  She wonders anxiously if it means she is gay.  She repeatedly asks her boyfriend for reassurance, sometimes to his annoyance.  Elle avoids being alone with most other women for fear of somehow losing self-control and sexually acting out.  She prays to God continually for forgiveness.  When an obsessive idea is triggered, she tells herself three times that she loves her boyfriend, and mentally rehearses all the ways he makes her feel good.” 3. What are Elle’s specific behaviors, if any, that might be considered abnormal? 4. If a diagnosis should be made, what should it be? Please explain your answer. If no diagnosis is needed, please explain your justification.
Delmar Delmar is a 43-year-old male from Jamaica who works as a sales rep for an agricultural company. He has been experiencing lesions and open sores on the top of his head and has gone to his primary care physician for treatment. His doctor asks how these sores happened and Delmar slowly admits that he caused them by scratching them. He appears embarrassed to admit the cause of his sores. He shares once he scratches and picks his scalp, he feels temporary relief from something that feels like stress or anxiety. He has tried to stop but cannot and has started wearing hats to cover his sores. 5. What diagnosis, if any, do you think Delmar might be experiencing? Explain your answer. Deena Deena is a 56-year-old European American female who is currently married and has three children aged 15, 19, and 21. When Deena was younger, she was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome which has caused her some pain but she is under ongoing treatment and manages it very well. Deena has noticed several dark hairs on her face particularly around her mouth and chin and when she sees them, she pulls them out with tweezers. It is painful but she does not like the hairs and wants them gone. She feels that people notice them when they speak to her. Other than the hairs, she is happy with her life and enjoys shopping for new clothes, putting together new outfits, having date nights with her husband, game nights with her family, and doing lunch with her mother a few times a week. 6. What are Deena’s behaviors, if any, that might be considered abnormal? 7. If a diagnosis should be made, what should it be? Please explain your answer. If no diagnosis is needed, please explain your justification. Video Clip: Monk v=1Vr8bwYpaGg 8. In this clip, the client Adrian Monk, struggles with Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder. In using the information provided in this clip, what are Monk’s obsessions and what are his compulsions?
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