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May 10, 2024





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Jonai Raymond REL 131 H080 Dr. Slagle February 14, 2024 Part 1 1. Lila – play (Prothero pg. 154) 2. Ananda – bliss (Prothero pg. 151) 3. Kirtans – devotional songs (Prothero pg. 151) 4. Yoga – “yoke” or “union” to help people realize the union of Self (atman) and God (Brahman) (Canvas 8.0) 5. Yogi/Yogini – Male practitioners of yoga are yogis and female practitioners of yoga are called yoginis (Canvas 8.0) 6. Ahimsa – the principle of not harming other living beings (Canvas 7.1.2) 7. Samadhi – the mental stillness that raja yoginis/yogis strive to attain (Canvas 8.3) 8. Pranayama - breath control (Canvas 8.3) 9. Guru – teacher (Canvas 7.0) 10. Puja – offerings made to gods/goddesses (Canvas 8.4) 11. Ram Lila – a week-long performance of the Ramayana staged annually in Ramnagar (Prothero pg. 163) 12. Shakti – feminine cosmic energy (Canvas 8.4.3)
Jonai Raymond REL 131 H080 Dr. Slagle February 14, 2024 13. Nataraja – dancer inside the circle of samsara, holding both the drum of creation and the fire of destruction (Prothero pg. 156) 14. Prasada – the rice, fruit, sweets, and flowers offered by others to the gods and now offered back to the worshippers (Prothero pg. 158) 15. Murtis – “icons”, small statues of gods/goddesses (Canvas 8.4) (Prothero pg. 134) Part 2 1. Explain what Stephen Prothero means when he refers to Hindu worship as "first and foremost about sight." Be sure to use and define the appropriate Sanskrit terminology in your answer. 2. Hindus have different views on what constitutes “good karma.” Provide examples of two different opinions on this matter (as discussed in the course material). Be sure to use and define the appropriate Sanskrit terminology in your answer. The first opinion is that ethical behavior constitutes good karma. Ahimsa, the act of not harming other living beings, is important in this view. The second view is that doing one’s dharma, fulfilling their responsibilities/duties, determined by one’s status can bring good karma (Canvas 7.1.2)
Jonai Raymond REL 131 H080 Dr. Slagle February 14, 2024 3. List the three main gods/goddess actively worshiped in India today as well as what roles/jobs they fulfill according to Hindu belief. Vishnu, Shiva, and Shakti are the three main gods/goddess worshipped in India. Vishnu is the preserver god and protects the universe from evil and catastrophes. Shiva is the destroyer god of creation and destruction. Shiva is also the god of asceticism and intoxication. Shakti is feminine cosmic energy. The creative, fertile potency of the feminine of Shakti is an energy that radiates through the universe. (Canvas 8.4.1) (Canvas 8.4) (Canvas 8.4.2) (Canvas 8.4.3) 4, 5 &6. [Worth 9 points] In two to three lines (minimum) discuss how yoga is related to the Upanishads. What does the term “yoga” mean? What is the ultimate goal of the yogas? Then, in a line or two [minimum] discuss each of the four major types of yoga discussed in the course materials. Be sure to provide the Sanskrit term for each along with their direct English translation. Yoga is related to the Upanishads. The Upanishads believe that the atman within all beings is the Brahman, and yoga helps to unionize the two. The term yoga means “union” and the ultimate goal is to help people realize the fundamental union of self (Atman) and God (Brahman). There are four main Yogas. Jnana yoga means the path of learning, Karma yoga means the path of selfless action, Raja yoga means the royal pathway to liberation, and Bhakti yoga means the path of love and devotion. (Canvas 8.0) (Canvas 7.1.5)
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