Intrepretive Question



Liberty University *

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BIBL 410




Jun 21, 2024





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Shawn Morris Liberty University Bibl 410 June 18, 2024 Interpretive Question. Who was the Man Jacob was wrestling with
The text that I choose to focus on specifically for this assignment is Genesis 32:24, which states, "Then Jacob was left alone, and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day. This "Man" is variously interpreted to be... Others believe that it was an OT pre-incarnation appearance of Jesus. On the internet people throw around the word "Man" or "thou the Man" as the angel of the presence, the man of sin of the house that had gone into "Adultery" | Isaiah 50:1; Jeremiah 3:8 | - available in this is the understanding of other interpretations to Hosea's writings... ( READ HOSEA ) Another interpretation is that the episode acts as a theophany, in which Jacob changes his name to Israel. 1 Genesis 32:24 2 Guzik, David. www. blueletterbible. org. 2001. www. blueletterbible. Guzik/study guide/Guzik David/studyguide_gen-32. cfm/ (accessed on 23 November 2021) 3 New King James Version Bible-Hosea 12:4 4 Ibid-Isaiah 63:9 Lord of the angels, who before he became human nature for good, he appeared in human form often. Another perspective on this topic can be found in the Biblical Theology Bulletin: Journal of Bible and Culture 5 The author of an article called “Jacob Wrestles With Esau” posited, “the episode portrays an encounter with God that serves to make Jacob a “new man”6 Shortly thereafter, the author characterizes their reading of Genesis 32:24 as ‘interpretive’ rather than ‘literal’ while observing, “Our analysis reveals that this redaction was motivated by the relationship between Jacob’s wrestling with God and his looming confrontation with Esau. This meeting leads to a profound self-reflection that inspires Jacob to move forward in the same way
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