Essentials of Ministry Paper



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Dec 6, 2023





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Essentials of Ministry Paper Michael Warren CHMN 201 – B02: Introduction to Christian Ministries May 25, 2022
1 Part One: A Summary of the Essentials 1. Here I am, Send me . The first essential for ministry that Early and Gutierrez identify is the willingness to submit ones’ whole self to the call and will of God, as exemplified in Isaiah 6:8. God does not desire for us to begrudgingly do His will, or for us to be automatons that do His will like emotionless robots, but for our hearts to sincerely want to do His will for no other reason than to praise and serve Him. Early explains why this is the first essential to ministry: “God pours out his favor and power on those who are willing to go. You cannot truly be a follower of Jesus until you are willing to go. You are not truly following Jesus until you are intentionally going for Jesus.” 1 This step is not necessary to call on the name of the Lord, be baptized, or participate in a local church, but it is essential for ministry. Before Jesus ascended back to the Father, He gave His disciples what we know as The Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). To that commission, followers of Jesus must be willing to respond, “Here I am, send me!” 2. Responding to the Call of God After submitting our will to God’s, then comes acknowledging and living in accordance with God’s unique call for our life. Not everyone is called to be a pastor, or a deacon, or a worship leader, or a cook at a restaurant, or a first responder, or an artist, or a parent. God made each of us with particular talents and skills, all of which can be submitted to God in a way that glorifies Him. 3. Living a Life of Prayer 1 Earley, Dave. Everyday Ministry: Applying the Christian Faith (B&H Academic, 2010), 956.
2 Prayer is how God’s children communicate with their Heavenly Father. Prayer is both an attitude and action: an attitude of dependance on God, and an action in that they speak inwardly and outwardly. Dr. Timothy Keller described how the Holy Spirit enables believers in Jesus to approach God as their loving Father, and then adds a more direct, translated, heavenly testimony over our prayer. 2 The reason this is essential to ministry is because the Apostle Paul said it was in Ephesians 6:18. 4. Maintaining an Eternal Perspective Early and Gutierrez explain how ministers, just like anyone who works hard at any job, can be prone to burnout, doubts, and giving up, but the key to staying in the race of faith and pressing toward the prize is maintaining an eternal perspective. Jesus gave His disciples the greatest reality check on John 16:33, which promises difficulties in life, the availability of peace through Him, and His conquering of the world. 5. Refusing to Coast Routine can be a powerful tool, but also a hinderance to effective ministry. Going-through- the-motions has the tendency to lull us into comfortable expectations and limit our outreach. Hosea commanded: “break up your fallow ground…” (10:12). Paul instructed Timothy, “Stir up the gift of God which is in you” (2Tim. 1:6). Like the popular military adage says, we must be willing to constantly “Improvise, adapt, and overcome” even if it means trying something new, going out of our way to help someone, or its not on the schedule. Charles Spurgeon is quoted exhorting his congregation, “Die every morning before you leave your bedroom.” 6. Loving People 2 Keller, Timothy. Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God . 14.
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