09 Acts 1-2 WS



Bethel University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Worksheet for Acts 1-2 Name: __Milena Camarasa____________________________ I read Acts 1-2 before class? YES or NO (Circle/highlight one!) If NO, I read this % before class? ____________ % Acts 1 records Jesus’ last instructions to His disciples before His ascension into heaven. The disciples are waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit. What activities are they involved in as they wait? Why do you think these activities are important? They joined together in prayer, the 11 disciples together with “the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers. “They proceeded to make the decision that one of them would have to take care of the ministry that Jesus left behind, they were between Joseph (Barsabbas) and Matthias, they prayed, and the Lord chose Matthias. This activity was important because Judas left a space empty in Jesus’ ministry consisting of 12 disciples. Acts 2 describes the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. What impacted as you read Acts 2:1-13? The experience of “speaking in tongues ” has been interpreted in various ways – any thoughts? At first, when it said they were speaking in tongues was a supernatural gift of God, not different languages, because I was taught that speaking in tongues means you are speaking directly to God, and that not even the demons can understand you. But in this case, it seems like they were speaking real human languages. I believe that this meant that the disciples must follow what Jesus commanded, to go to the nations, preach and baptize the people. Jesus said that those who believed and were saved, were going to be given the power to speak in tongues, like it just happened on Acts 2. Peter’s sermon (Acts 2:14-36) is the first Christian sermon. It would appear to be a model sermon. First, briefly outline the key content/truths that Peter preached (use short/simple bulleted points and put them in the box ). Second, BRIEFLY RESPOND TO QUESTIONS BELOW ABOUT PETER’S SERMON. E Why do you think Peter included the content he did? To explain who Jesus was, his purpose, the reason for his death and resurrection, to prove that Jesus is Lord and Messiah. E How did he support , or prove, that content? Talking from his own experience as one of Jesus’ disciples, the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. E What do you think was his goal of the message he preached? To follow Jesus’ commandment of preaching and baptizing those who want to be saved. E What was the peoples’ response to the message (2:38-41)? On a personal note, what is your response to Peter's message - Have you repented and believed in Jesus? They got baptized. I don’t think that my response was meaningful, since I grew up in a Christian environment, I am a Christian since I can remember, maybe I got distant from God a couple times throughout my life, but I always came back and got a little stronger spiritually every time I did it. But this time that I had to read Peter’s sermon again, I believe that it helped strengthen my faith, that Jesus is real and that we must repent to be saved. Acts 2:42-47 and 4:32-35 describe the activities of the early church. Make a simple bulleted list of what you see the early church and believers doing. What stands out to you about what they did and why? Which of these relevant practices might need to be experienced more in our modern church? Synoptic Gospels & Acts Worksheets – SP24– Page 1 SERMON OUTLINE He repeats Jesus’ prophecy(ies) about the Holy Spirit pouring out. Peter also talks about God’s oath to David that one of his descendants would be on the throne (referring to Jesus, the Lord and Messiah) The ministry that Jesus left behind, his sacrifice for our sins.
Devote themselves to the apostles. Sold their valuable things to help the poor. Got together at the temples and their houses. Praised God. They shared everything they had with each other. Something that stands out to me is that they shared everything, this reminds me that the church should be like a real family, full of integrity and empathy. A relevant practice that might need to be experienced more in our modern church would be the one about praising God, I think that we don’t really understand the meaning of it, praising is not just going to church, singing the worship songs, and listening to the pastor preach, praising is more than that, it comes from our heart, it’s not only about giving God time on the Sundays, but every day, the Bible says that we have to be praying constantly, nonstop, and I recognize that many people in the church don’t do this, they only put effort once a week, not every day. OPTIONAL : Are there other comments, insights or questions? Synoptic Gospels & Acts Worksheets – SP24– Page 2
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