The Religious Right is a political



Liberty University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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The Religious Right is a political movement that advises both social and political traditionalism. When the Religious Right first started, the worldview had grounded the Christian family values. The members of the Religious Right believe that Christ is the source of all living and non-living things and that the best way to live life is through Christ and having him in the center of everything. In today’s world, not a lot of people live that way, they don't put Christ first and they have doubts about Christianity and the people that follow that religion. When Religious Right was founded and created, members advocated for prayer in public schools, and they prohibited same-sex relationships. Today, it isn't uncommon to see same- sex relationships now and prayer in public schools still exits in most schools, including my old elementary, middle, and high school. There are still people who still follow the Religious Right movement to this day, there are also some people who are starting to question Christianity as a whole and if it is truly real or not. The current worldview relies on facts, statistics, science, logic, and critical thinking in order for something to be proven true which is why a lot of people doubt the Christianity religion and if God actually exists or not. A lot of people have to be able to see something in order to believe it to be true, they also question the traditions and values of other religions as well. I personally believe that the worldview at the time that the Religious Rights were founded and todays worldview are becoming very different every day.
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