DSMN 870
In Module 7: Week 7, you will submit a Spiritual Formation Plan
for engaging a ministry context (i.e. church, para-church organization, local ministry, mission group). This plan will include an understanding and application of spiritual growth and maturation. To that end, you will be building components for that plan in each module: week. The plan will need to contain the following:
an emerging model of spiritual formation
a biblical rationale
an assessment strategy
an implementation of that plan. To begin, you will want to assemble a small group of individuals (at least 2 but not more than 5) who will help guide your thinking and planning. Together you will map out a simple, brief strategy for the application content. By the end of Module 2: Week 2, you will submit the first part of the overall strategic plan that will reflect a working model of your particular approach to and understanding of spiritual formation in the life of both the individual and the community. The development of your model of spiritual formation should be based on the course readings, supplemental material, and ministerial experience. I
Your model should include the following:
Based upon your reading of Ecologies of Faith
, and other material with which you may be familiar, develop an emerging model of spiritual formation. This should include:
Salient issues and concepts that need to be addressed when developing a biblical model of spiritual growth for Christians
Necessary ingredients that facilitate and promote the spiritual growth of Christians. Do not limit yourself to the traditional spiritual disciplines but allow what you have read in the texts and found in your relevant biblical texts. 3.
An understanding of the role of the Christian community (the body of Christ) in the spiritual formation process.
This developing model must be 3–5 pages (750
–1,250 words), not including the title page and bibliography. Current Turabian format must be used and paper should be double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font. Edit for typos, spelling, and grammar.