Reflection Paper
What is Mosaic Law? The Mosaic Law is the laws given by Moses for the Israelites to
live by. The most important part of the law is The Ten Commandments. The Mosaic Law was
believed to be concrete and just. It was a covenant of standard made between God and man. It is
a “Covenant”, a covenant is not easily broken as God has shown throughout scriptures that He
honors it and only death releases you from it. In the Book of Romans, Paul makes a somewhat
controversial statement regarding the Mosaic Law pertaining to Christians. He says “But now we
have been released from the law, for we died to it and are no longer captive to its power. Now we
can serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of the law, but in the new way of living in
the Spirit.” (Romans 7:6 NLT). Does this make the Mosaic Law irrelevant to Christians? Of
course not, if you read further down, Paul begins to explain his meaning for that statement. With
the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus as our foundation of redemption for Christianity, a new
covenant was made for us. The Bible tells us that in order to be saved we must crucify our flesh
daily, so since death is a release from covenant, Paul is saying that we are no longer bound by the
power of the sin that is inside of us. He also writes that the law is holy and should still be
recognized as such to all Christians. If you look in the book of Matthew you will see Jesus
discussing the importance of the mosaic law, Jesus says that He did not come to abolish the law
but to accomplish its purpose and if anyone doesn’t follow even the least of those laws then you
will be called the least in heaven. As Christians we are to follow and obey the Word of God as
Jesus did.