Reflective Practice Rubric
Highly developed Provides convincing evidence that demonstrates depth, knowledge of content and explains connections made to real world situations. Goes beyond the expectations.
Developed Provides evidence that demonstrates understanding of the content that meets the criteria but lacks the depth of knowledge and makes general connections without explanations. All components required are met.
Emerging Provides partial evidence that demonstrates the required depth in all criteria of the assignment. Response may be unsupported, flawed or missing elements.
Initial Lacking the evidence required in all criteria of the assignment. Evidence presented may be minimal, unsupported, inadequate or missing.
Highly Developed
Depth of Reflection
Response is highly developed
and demonstrates an in-depth
reflection including connections made to, personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are insightful and well supported. Clear, detailed
examples are provided, as applicable.
Response is developed
and generally
demonstrates a reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are supported. Appropriate
examples are provided, as applicable.
Response is emerging
and demonstrates a partial
reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are partially unsupported
or supported with flawed
arguments. Examples when applicable, are not provided or are irrelevant to the assignment. Response demonstrates an initial
yet lack of
reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are missing, inappropriate
, and/or unsupported
. Examples when applicable, are not provided.
Response is highly developed
including all components and exceeds
all requirements indicated in the instructions. Each
question or part of the assignment is addressed thoroughly. All
attachments and/or additional documents are included, as required.
Response is developed
including all
components and meets requirements indicated
in the instructions. Each
question or part of the assignment is addressed. All
attachments and/or additional documents are included, as required.
Response is emerging yet missing some
components and only partially meets requirements indicated in the
instructions. Some
question or part of the assignment is addressed. Some/partial
attachments and/or additional documents, if required, are missing or unsuitable for the purpose of the assignment. Response demonstrates initial effort yet lacks
components and/or
address the requirements indicated in the instructions. Many
parts of the assignment are addressed minimally
inadequately, and/or not at all.
Writing is highly developed, clear, concise, and well organized with excellent
sentence/paragraph construction. Thoughts are
expressed in a coherent and logical manner. There are no errors in spelling, grammar, or syntax errors per submission.
Writing is developed, clear and well organized
with excellent sentence/paragraph
construction. Thoughts are clearly
expressed in a coherent and logical manner. There are no more than three
spelling, grammar or syntax errors and the errors do not distract from contextual meaning. Writing is emerging, partially clear,
and well organized with
excellent sentence/paragraph
construction. Thoughts are expressed in a partially coherent
and logical manner. There are no more than 5
spelling, or syntax errors and some errors distract from contextual meaning.
Writing demonstrates initial skills but is lacking in clarity and disorganized. Thoughts ramble and make little sense. There are numerous
spelling, grammar, or syntax errors throughout the response, distracting contextual meaning.