
2014 Research Paper Empirical Studi

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"Empirical Studies Demonstrate that Organizations Using Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices Gain a Competitive Advantage in the Marketplace."

St. Clair College

MGN 500: Recruitment & Selection

July 14, 2014

Table of Contents
Defining HR Concepts…………………………………………………………………………….4 Human Resources…………………………………………………………………………4 Recruitment and Selection………………………………………………………………...5
The Human Resources Management System……………………………………………………..6
Role of Management………………………………………………………………………………7 Increasing Organizational Best Practices………………………………………………….9 Benefits of Recruitment and Selection Best Practices…………………………………….9 Model Organization – …show more content…

Often some of the human resources’ duties were spread amongst management within other, non-human resources related departments. For example, as a Manager for a number of departments at the Hospice I had the bulk of responsibility for recruiting and selecting employees and volunteers for the Events Management and Communications Departments. Human resources expert, and Management and Organization Development Consultant, Susan M. Heathfield, discusses human resources on Human Resources evolved from the term: personnel, as the functions of the field moved beyond paying employees and managing employee benefits. The evolution of the HR function gave credence to the fact that people are an organization's most important resource. People are an organization's asset. Employees must be hired, satisfied, motivated, developed, and retained. Similarly, indicates that“A human resources department is a critical component of employee well-being in any business, no matter how small.” Thus an integral component of the human resource practitioner’s job is recruitment and selection, which we will discuss next.
Recruitment and Selection Hiring practices involve two interconnected requisites: recruitment and selection. It is important to understand both concepts for the purposes of this paper. The textbook, Recruitment and Selection in Canada, Fifth Edition,

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