The following methods were taken from Carolina Biological Supply Company by Carolina Biological Supply Company (2012). The first procedure of this experiment is to calibrate the solution. The calibration should reveal the conditions in which the standard reaction should take place completely after 20 seconds. In the top left well of the well plate, place 8 drops of potassium iodide (KI). Add 2 drops of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and 4 drops of starch to the KI solution in the well. Add 4 drops of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) to the solution in the well. Swirl the solution by moving the well in a small circle. With the syringe, draw up 0.4 mL of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Begin timing as the H2O2 is added to the solution. Swirl the solution and …show more content…
In an unused well, place 8 drops of KI. Add 2 drops of HCl and 4 drops of starch to the KI solution. Add the standard number of drops of Na2S2O3 for this experiment. Swirl the solution by moving the well plate in a small circle. Draw up 0.4 mL of H2O2 and add to the solution. Swirl the solution and monitor the color while timing. Record the amount of time it takes for the entire solution to turn a dark blue-black color. Repeat this trial 3 more times while decreasing the concentration of the reactant KI. For the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th trials, use 6 drops of KI with 2 drops of distilled water, 4 drops of KI with 4 drops of distilled water, and 2 drops of KI with 6 drops of distilled water …show more content…
Add 4 drops of HCl, 5 drops of starch, 3 mL of Na2S2O3, and 0.8 mL of H2O2 to each of two test tubes and swirl. Using a mortar and pestle, grind 0.5 g of KI crystals into a powder. Place 0.02 g of the powdered KI crystals into an empty test tube and 0.02 g of the KI crystals into another empty test tube. Pour one of the mixtures of solutions into each test tube with the KI particles. Do not swirl. As soon as the mixture is added, begin timing. Monitor the color and record the amount of time it takes for the solution to turn
7. Using the slider on the right hand side, add NaOH to the HCl in the Erlenmeyer flask (This action is known as titrate). Add the indicator until the color of the indicator turns a light shade of pink.
Prepare the vessel for running the experiment. A fish tank will be used to simulate the natural environment, such as a lake, where these reactions would occur. The vessel needs to be duly and appropriately cleaned, and rinsed with distilled water to make sure that there are no contaminants within it.
14. Using the well D1 pipet, add two drops of the HCI to the well A1 buffer.Use a toothpick to stir the solution.
The preparation for the experiment started by gathering the solutions of enzyme Peroxidase, substrate hydrogen peroxide, the indicator guaiacol and distilled water. Two small spectrometer tubes and three large test tubes with numbered labels. In addition, one test tube rack, one pipet pump and a box of kimwipes were also gathered. Before the experiment, the spectrometer must be set up to use by flipping the power switch to on. Following, the machine was warmed up for 10 minutes and the filter lever was moved to the left. In addition, I set the wavelength to 500 nm with the wavelength control knob. Before the experiment, I had to create the blank solution by pipetting 0.1 ml of guaiacol, 1.0 ml of turnip extract and 8.9 ml water into tube #1. Following the creation of the blank, a control 2% solution was created.
Part 1: Obtain some 0.200M Fe(NO3)3 solution and some 0.00020M KSCN solution. Starting from the first solution, pour and mix 8.0mL of Fe(NO3)3 solution and 2.0mL of KSCN solution into a test tube, where as the second solution has 7.0mL of Fe(NO3)3 solution and 3.0mL of KSCN solution. Continue this process until 5 test tubes have been filled. Pour
For the concentration experiment three different concentrations were made of the KMnO4. Three test tubes were filled with 4 ml of water. The first test tube had 1 ml of the 500 KmnO4 added to it. Then the second test tube had 1 ml from test tube one and 4 mL of water. For test tube 3, 1ml was taken from test tube two. Each concentration was placed into a dialysis tubing using the strings to tie off one end and the clamp to close off the other end. Before the dialysis tubing was placed in the beaker, 1ml of a sample was placed in a cuvette to blank the spectrophometer. Each stir plate was set on a low speed and the dialysis was hung in the water by a string. Every 5 minutes that passed a sample of 1 ml was taken and put into a cuvette. The cuvettes were placed in the spectrophometer to measure the absorbance of each solution. The measuremnts were then recorded in lab notebook. Once the measurements were documented, the average of absorbance and concentration was recorded.
The first step that needed to be done in this experiment was adding hydrochloric acid (HCl)
(Shake cylinders every 5 minutes) Observe the color of the solutions Compare the intensity of the blue color of each solution to distilled water and the blue glass cleaner Evaluate the color intensity Record results Results: * We ordered the solutions from the darkest to the lightest color of the distilled blue
mL cylinder to the beaker on the stir plate and empty it into the beaker. Place the pH probe in the beaker and record the pH in the data table. Drag the beaker to the red disposal bucket. Double-click the bottle of NaHCO3 to move it to the Stockroom counter. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for KNO3.
Create a water bath by filling ½ of the 100 mL beaker with cool water, adding crushed ice to the beaker so the water level is just below the top, and sprinkling salt into the beaker
As I add the silver nitrate to the calcium chloride the calcium will begin bonding with the sulfate to form solid calcium sulfate and the silver will begin bonding with chloride to form solid silver(I)chloride. We know this because calcium is more reactive than silver and sulfate is more reactive than cl so the two more reactive particles will bond and the two less reactive will bond. They will both form solids because chloride ions when bonded with silver ions are insoluble and sulfate ions when bonded with calcium ions are also insoluble. The reason that all of the previously listed information is important to the conductivity is that if all reactants react to produce solids then there will be no aqueous ions floating around which is essential to conduct electricity. Since we now know that when we have and even amount of both reactant the solution produced will not conduct electricity and we also know that each of the aqueous reactants (when isolated) will conduct electricity, I predict as long as we have excess of one of the reactants in the final solution it will conduct electricity.
When doing the lab, I have found out that most of these chemicals combined was needed an acid base indicator. If you look at Figure 2.1 you can see that almost all the chemicals that we have tested were needed a drop of acid-base indicator to detect if it was acidic or basic. For chemicals KI and Pb(No3)2 ,when combined both substances quickly went together into a double displacement and turned into a gold color.
Add to this 5 drops of pH 4 buffer solution * Measure out 2 cm³ starch solution * Start stopclock and leave for 1 minute * Measure out 1 cm³ amylase and place in second corvette * Add to this 2 cm³ distilled water *
1. 10 drops of 1 M K2CrO4 was added to the solution and stirred for about 10 minutes.
The procedure was performed as follows: For run 1, 20cm3 of acetone, 10cm3 of sulphuric acid and 145cm3 of water was added to a conical flask. 25cm3 of iodine was then added to this solution which started the reaction and immediately, 20cm3