
50 Years Ago Research Paper

Decent Essays

Fifty years ago the world was very much different than how it is now. The economy was different there was a different president, which means a different set of laws. There was also a certain view of technology, and what was the right thing to do on the internet and what was condemned. The view of young ones are what they could do was different, there was stuff that teenagers could not do if they wanted to be socially accepted. All of that stuff has changed over the years.

The economy fifty years ago was very unstable, a lot of the outside places thought of the United States as economy stable but that is not the case. This country is in a lot of dept and they keep on digging a deeper hole for themselves. This country relies on other countries too much and they do not make as much stuff for themselves as they used to. We get all of our things from China, our fruits are often imported from more tropical places. There is also the crisis with the water …show more content…

If a teenager was pregnant at such a young age they could get a lot of hate. They got hate because they made their own decision. People were told that they have freedom to do what they want without breaking the law. If they decide or have a child it should not matter what age they are, they decided to make that bold move. But instead of being helped people tend to see them as an outcast and look down on them with disgust. Some people did not think about how that felt to the teen, they need people to help them and encourage then but because of what society says they did not get that help. It was also looked down upon if a couple of teens were together. They were told that they do not know that love is yet that they are too young. But they are young they should be looked after, so that they don't get hurt. If the child is earnest to say that they are in love they should be left to figure that out by themselves. They should be given advice not yelled at for being

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