A Chi-Square test of goodness-of-fit was preformed to determine if all personnel are evenly distributed across living blocks. The results showed non-significant data, therefore, all personnel were equally distributed in the population, X2 (3, n = 340) = 4.54, p = .209.
A Chi-Square test of goodness-of-fit was preformed to check the distribution of individuals across all skills sets. The results showed significant data, therefore, all personnel were not equally distributed in the population, X2 (5, n = 340) = 12.5, p = .029.
A Chi-Square test of goodness-of-fit was preformed to check if managers hired an equal distribution of personnel of all races. The test indicated managers hired significantly more humans than all other races,
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There is a large relationship, Cramer's V (95) = .454, p = .000. There appears to be a pattern where Humans are more represented in the Command function than Klingon and Liberated Borg and Klingon individuals are all represented in the Security function. Liberated Borg appears to be unevenly distributed between both functions than Humans and Klingon. Other alien-representations are less represented in both functions.
Using a Chi-Square Test of Independence, there is a significant relationship between living assignments and race, X2 (12, n = 340) 475, p = .000. There is a large relationship, Cramer's V (340) = .682, p = .000. There appears to be a pattern of segregation based on race. Humans are more represented among block D than Klingon, Liberated Borg, Ferengi, and Carsdassian. Ferengi is less represented than Humans in all living blocks except block C, where they all reside. To balance this problem, nonsignificant cells can be partitioned into other cells allowing for data to be significant and easier to analyze.
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Alien-racial individuals were underrepresented in the Command and Security function. Also noted is the relationship between living assignments and race. Observed was a significant difference, where the alien-race of, Ferengi was not represented in any other living block but C. Nonetheless, partitioning non-significant cells into others can solve this problem of uneven distrubution and create a stronger relationship.
Furthermore, limitations were noted that there was more human race than alien race, which can lead to the uneven distrubution amongst all. As well as the limtation of segreation when it comes to living assingments and skills. Potential data can be partitioned for better interpretation of analysis. Results indicated more than often significant data, which indicates uneven distrubution. Future data can potential eliminate outliers and partition in the data set for effortless
There have been many things that I have learned this semester from knowing what type of graphic displays my data in the best way to how to calculate the location quotient. Probably what stuck the most was the difference between race and ethnicity and calculating projections. I was surprised how many times that topic came up after we learned that. I would explain the difference in my conversations and the majority of the people were surprised to find that there are only two ethnicities, which are Hispanic or Latino and Non-Hispanic or Latino. Now I know that the races are only white, Black or African American, Asian, American Indian and Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. The only thing that I do not understand and probably
Additionally, there is a substantial lack of real evidence that the divisions between groups that we often specify as “races” actually have specific genetic identities. The extreme presence of ambiguity central to races, and the plentiful variations within these races point towards evidence that even two randomly selected citizens of European descent could be more genetically related to a person of Asian descent than they are to each other.
The idea of race in society is truly that; an idea. However, one of the first things one notices about another human is their perceived race. Often, incorrect assumptions are made about a person, based on his race. In addition, many believe race can be determined by biological factors. However, there is no biological basis to race. Without a doubt, genes play a role in our skin, hair, and eye color; however, there are not certain genes present in an entire race and not another. Race is not clear cut; if one were to travel from either pole to the equator, a specific location could not be identified to separate any two races.
However, the video Race: The Power of Illusion presents significant evidence refuting the biological theories of race. Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory instructor Scott Bronson and several high school students from different ethnicities conducted personal genetic research exploring biological race theory. Students’ typed their blood, compared skin tones and took DNA samples. After sending the samples to a genetics lab, Bronson asked students whom they might expect to be more genetically similar to in the workshop. The consensus of the students was that they would each be genetically comparable to others in the group with similar physical attributes.
Race is not an element of human biology (like breathing oxygen or reproducing sexually); nor is it even an idea (like the speed of light or the value of π) that can be plausibly imagined to live an external life of its own. Race is not an idea but an ideology. It came into existence at a discernable historical moment for rationality understandable historical reasons and is subject to change for similar reasons (101).
THESIS: Scientists and other intellectuals recognize the modern concept of "race" as an artificial category that developed over the past five centuries due to encounters with non-European people. Even though people still attempt to organize humans into categories according to their race, these categories have been shown to have no scientific basis.
Race is a hot topic in our world. We all think we know what race is. After all, we are constantly being bombarded with it whether it be from media, politics, or sports. The truth is that race does not revolve around the idea of biological traits or characteristics. It is a modern concept that we as a society have created to divide people into categories. I will argue that race is socially constructed from a biological, political history, and sociological standpoint, and how it may impact other areas of our society.
To further prove this comment, “Clustering of individuals is correlated with geographic origin or race, but the correlations are imperfect because of genetic variation tends to be distributed in a continuous, overlapping fashion among populations.”(Jorde, L.B. & Woodling, S.
In Figures 4 and 5, we are able to portray the percentage of each industry made up by several races. The industries that were taken into account were profession, personal, business, manufacturing, and finance aspects of the work force. We also took into account the time period for this study, distinguishing the differences in 1975 and 2015. When compared to one another there is distinct difference into the shift of
Organization is a tool that humans use to put things into groups. In The United States, they use a man made creation of organization called “race.” Even though it has been proven that everyone has the same cells and organs, race has been a huge factor that has been one of the most deciding factors in history when it comes to how one's life and entire being is valued. Race, as it is used in
In this paper I will use the term "race" defined as a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type (Webster). "A 'profile' is a coherent set of facts, known conditions and observable behavior
Race is a classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by anatomical, cultural, ethnic, genetic, geographical,
If you would have asked me, "Do you believe race is biological or that is was socially constructed?", I would have responded with the same examples you may commonly receive from scientist or anthropologist; that race is in fact biological and deeply rooted and shared from generation to generation by DNA. However, through analyzing Pearson 's, Chapter 11 Race & Ethnicity we discover various examples in which history has built the shelves in which everyone is neatly categorized for its convenience even if not entirely in truth.
Cognitive Effects of Racial Diversity: White Individuals' Information Processing in Heterogeneous Groups by Samuel R. Sommers, Lindsey S. Warp, Corrine C. Mahoney explained thoroughly how race can affect one’s critical thinking. Like other past experiments that have attempted to study and understand the effects of being in a diverse environment often focus on performance based on participants. Instead of doing the same thing, our experimenters decided to focus on understanding the psychological background of hearing different input and opinions from those of different races. The hypothesis for this experiment was that the simple fact of being around someone that is a different race will lead to more complex and sophisticated thinking. The base
The differences in terms of race will be as a result of the evolution of human being in various geographical locations, and over time, the differences will be highly noticeable due to various biological variations which may include traits which have been shared throughout the geographical area. In addition, human variations from a biological aspect will also be brought about by factors which will be hereditary and will bring about an effect on the human being’s natural environment as well as the person’s environment from a social point of