
A Chi-Square Test Of Wholeness-Of-Fit

Decent Essays

A Chi-Square test of goodness-of-fit was preformed to determine if all personnel are evenly distributed across living blocks. The results showed non-significant data, therefore, all personnel were equally distributed in the population, X2 (3, n = 340) = 4.54, p = .209.
A Chi-Square test of goodness-of-fit was preformed to check the distribution of individuals across all skills sets. The results showed significant data, therefore, all personnel were not equally distributed in the population, X2 (5, n = 340) = 12.5, p = .029.
A Chi-Square test of goodness-of-fit was preformed to check if managers hired an equal distribution of personnel of all races. The test indicated managers hired significantly more humans than all other races, …show more content…

There is a large relationship, Cramer's V (95) = .454, p = .000. There appears to be a pattern where Humans are more represented in the Command function than Klingon and Liberated Borg and Klingon individuals are all represented in the Security function. Liberated Borg appears to be unevenly distributed between both functions than Humans and Klingon. Other alien-representations are less represented in both functions.
Using a Chi-Square Test of Independence, there is a significant relationship between living assignments and race, X2 (12, n = 340) 475, p = .000. There is a large relationship, Cramer's V (340) = .682, p = .000. There appears to be a pattern of segregation based on race. Humans are more represented among block D than Klingon, Liberated Borg, Ferengi, and Carsdassian. Ferengi is less represented than Humans in all living blocks except block C, where they all reside. To balance this problem, nonsignificant cells can be partitioned into other cells allowing for data to be significant and easier to analyze. …show more content…

Alien-racial individuals were underrepresented in the Command and Security function. Also noted is the relationship between living assignments and race. Observed was a significant difference, where the alien-race of, Ferengi was not represented in any other living block but C. Nonetheless, partitioning non-significant cells into others can solve this problem of uneven distrubution and create a stronger relationship.
Furthermore, limitations were noted that there was more human race than alien race, which can lead to the uneven distrubution amongst all. As well as the limtation of segreation when it comes to living assingments and skills. Potential data can be partitioned for better interpretation of analysis. Results indicated more than often significant data, which indicates uneven distrubution. Future data can potential eliminate outliers and partition in the data set for effortless

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