
A Company Owned By Family Is The Way To Go In This Instance.

Decent Essays

A company owned by family is the way to go in this instance. SDL Home Improvement Contractors, Inc, is a small family and friend based corporation, which started out of the town Hatfield, Ma. This little corporation had opened its doors in 2013. For the size of the company they actually handle a pretty big workload. I was actually quite impressed with how this company functions behind the scenes, I hope you are too.
The first question I had was what prompted them to open this kind of business, their answer was very informative. The husband and wife team were the initial starters of this idea which snowballed into this little company. Paul Schmidt ( the "S" in SDL) had originally started an energy program for Co-OP power a non-profit …show more content…

There is three partners in this business which make up the SDL. Paul and Doug Schmidt make up the "S", Kendrick Dempsey makes up the "D"and Jeannette Lawrence makes the "L".They had trouble coming up with a name so they decided to use their last names instead. Once they had set all of their plans up it was time for marketing strategies and investors. They started marketing and still market by word of mouth, social media, personal website, ads in church bulletins and on their race car which they race periodically. Their race car advertisement runs several times a week no KIX 100.9 radio station. There is also a banner which is on their home. They run their business out of their home with their warehouse storage in their backyard. Jeannette is the one who does the social media and website maintenance along with all the bookkeeping and scheduling. All of them dedicate at least seventy hours a week to maintain this company.
When hiring their crews they had known from previous experience what pay should be which is a big help when doing the hiring. They prefer to hire new to the trade employees so they can train them and help them grow. Each employee gets a steady increase in pay beginning with after three months and then yearly. The employee will get more if they get their DOT to drive the trucks or become crew chiefs. They have actually had a low turnover of employees since

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