
A Description of the Business of Medsaic Pty Ltd.

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Provide a brief description of the business, state why you consider it to be “Entrepreneurial”; explain how the business creates value through the identification and exploitation of new products, processes and/or markets.

Medsaic Pty Ltd is an Australian biotechnology company that is a good example of a successful start up entrepreneurial business. Founded in 2003, as a spin-off company from the University of Sydney, it was established to commercialize patented intellectual property covering the use of microarrays for the diagnosis of disease[1].

Medsaic developed new platform technology, now known as DotScanTM, which is a solid-phase cell-capture assay using an antibody mircoarray to immunophenotype cancer cells[2], as well as …show more content…

Medsaic Pty Ltd is a good example of an Australian entrepreneurial business. They have been able to successfully develop laboratory research into a marketable product, generating value through the identification and development of a new product. They also are continuing the innovative process by researching and developing new applications for their DotScanTM platform technology, which will hopefully lead to the introduction of further products into the marketplace


1. Medsaic Pty Ltd 2006, Medsaic Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia, viewed 25th of March 2009,

2. Major Achievements in Cancer Research, Cancer Research Network – The University of Sydney, viewed 26th of March 2009,

3. In Dialogue Series – Jeremy Crisp 2006, podcast, Successful Innovation Podcast, 11 April, accessed 26 March 2009, 30005636&nva=20090331010636&t=0fb248e2383fd332872e0

4. Medsaic Pty Ltd – Company - Profile, Medsaic Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia, viewed 25th of March 2009, 5. 6. Beran, R. 2005, Mayne first to offer Medsaic’s DotScan as leukaemia test, 23 August, Australian Life Scientist, viewed 27th March 2009,

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